009 - Rain

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"Let's go" CEO Kim said while grabbing my hand, running straight down the path

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"Let's go" CEO Kim said while grabbing my hand, running straight down the path. The three of them left too. It has started raining heavily in just a span of time, nature is really unpredictable.

"S-sorry, I never wanted to ruin everything but" I muttered while coughing. The rain is a killer. "Say that again and-" He said stopping suddenly, staring straight in my eyes. There are times when he's truly scary, this is one of them.

"You can't control nature can you?" I nodded staring down. "It's alright, it's good to experience different situations. It's necessary infact. Don't blame yourself" Since when has this man become this good? Or maybe I never realised.

We slowed down our speed. The rain became even more heavier. I'm all set from head to toe. Suppressing my coughs since I'm sensitive to cold. This has to be the worst day ever!

"I suppose there's someone" I commented. I can see a lamp that's why. It's been much more than fifteen fucking minutes. Much more.
We decided to return back after exploring well. Dumbsarry.

"You sure" He asked. The fog assembles everywhere. We're standing somewhere in the middle of the forest. I can't see further.

"Maybe, I should move forward" I said hurriedly, stepping forward as I slipped falling down. By leg is bleeding. I never noticed the bush or whatever it is, has thorns.
And adding on, a sharp part of the same plant or is stuck inside my hand, deep.

"Why did you need to step forward?" He questioned is a concerned tone bending down. "You've got yourself wounded badly in the midst of this crisis, really appreciable".

I sneezed. It's getting worse. My body is hot, very hot. Cheeks and ears red. My eyes hurt too. This has to be the worst trip ever.

CEO Kim took out his jacket at first. He searched through his bag and grabbed a shirt. It's his favourite one. He tried tearing it apart, ofcourse it didn't work. He took out some key or sharp stuff, and roughly teared out a part of it.

"It'll hurt a little" he said wrapping and tieing the shirt piece around my ankle. It hurts a lot. Props to me for not bursting out even though it was clear through my face.

"Show me your hand" he asked. No, No and No. But I did. "It'll hurt" he said taking a pause, "more than a little". With the sharp object again, he tried peeling of the skin of the area. I flinched taking my hand back.

"Seokjin-ah, do you want to get sick? No right, let's get out of here okay" I extended my hand again closing my eyes tightly.

Finally my hand is free, wrapped in a bandage made of his shirt. Imma tell you this one thing, that shirt costs much more than my monthly rent. It's his personal favourite, custom designed. I don't know what I will do about it.

"Can you walk" he asked extending his hand. I held it firmly while standing up. I can tell one thing for sure. Walk, I can't even stand with this wounded leg. I still agreed even though my body didn't.

"Put your hand around my shoulder" he said taking a pause, "If you can not, I can always carry you, you know" I blushed. It's not the right time Kim fucking Seokjin. "I can walk, I'm fine" white lie detected.

"You're not" he said adding on his jacket to my shoulders. Swiftly passing my one hand through one sleeve, and then the other. He placed my hand around his shoulder, "Will you be fine with my hand encircling your waist?" he asked gently. What's this mew tactic of acting like a gentleman. "Yes" No.

All the trees appear same. We're enclosed in a canopy now. It feels really scary.

"Do you know, which one to take" he asked in a concerned tone. I don't. I don't. "I don't k-know" my voice is weak, it is getting shrill. "Let's take this one then" he said.

We walked through this path. The rain gets heavier, the forest gets wider and our chance of returning safe is almost zero. I bet he's tired. It's getting darker. Even his watch- he dropped it in the midway. I feel like crying. Crying so badly.

"Seokjin, it's getting dark. What do we do?" I don't know, I don't feel so good. I feel like passing out. "Seokjin, you fine" he asked in a concerned tone placing his hand over my head. "What the hell, you're hot! We cannot proceed further, how are you even standing..." his voice did not even reach my ears. Slowly, my eyes closed as I lost my balance. All I can remember is passing out in his arms.


Jimin's POV

"Where is Seokjin!" I yelled in a frustrating manner and Yeonjun calmed me down, Namjoon with a blank expression staring down.

"What kind of joke is this?" I said slapping my forehead in grief. CEO Kim and Seokjin, both are missing since hours. No traces of them being anywhere.

"Maybe they took the wrong way" Yeonjun said silently, "How can they? There must be a warning signboard for the path going down, you can't go there because it's dangerous. They're not that stupid to have all the adventure and thrill of their life in one night, that too in an unknown and unsafe place Jun".

"Maybe they never read it" Namjoon said as I looked up at him. That surely can happen. "Possible" Yeonjun commented. "Let's find them" I said standing up, grabbing my jacket as someone held my hand.

"It's raining badly Jimin, you won't come back easily if you go out. Think about it logically, they must've found away. It's better to wait till this rain overs, let's then get out" Namjoon said in a serious tone.

"You said that hours ago too. I'm going to find my friend, that's all" I said in a commanding tone. "But Hyung" I cut Yeonjun off, "No objections Jun. I'll come back soon" I said stepping out. "Do you not need a lamp. Let's do one thing, I hold the lamp and accompany you" This kid is always ready to take risk.

I convinced him somehow, even though he's kind of disappointed it's still better for him to stay here.

"Alright, take care" I bidded them without looking back. Things are serious now.

I traced back the path, taking the one they took. A few minutes later, I saw the board. The warning one, it was covered with leaves and creepers. No way they've gone down. Or maybe they have.

I decided to go down. The rain hitting my body hurts so much. They've been here for hours, can't say about them. I walked slowly, inorder to not fall. My leg stumbled upon a stone and I fell down the steep, rolling as my leg still hurts. What kind of fuckery is this.

Good thing, I'm lost too. I can't see anything except a big vast tree, under whose shade I do see someone though.

I went closer and closer, my lamp, it fell and broke long time ago so I can not recognise them.

"H-elp us" the voice was deep, but kind of shrilly. It-It's CEO Kim, for a moment I felt like the happiest person in the world. Where's Seokjin though. I rubbed my eyes to see clearly. He sitting down, englufing Seokjin, covering his body as the latter lays his head on his arms. The strange thing is, he's too silent.

"CEO Kim, it's me Jimin" I answered. "Wh-at, I-feel so - please help me Jimin, my back hurts" he said as I nodded. He's actually shirtless, as I noticed now and Seokjin is wearing a couple of layers. I held arm tight, trying to get him stand up, I held him by his waist. He couldn't even stand properly. My one hand extended to CEO Kim who stood up, streching his arms.

"Seokjin, h-he's not waking up" my eyes widened on the latter's sight. No way right.


Namjoon's POV

"Yeonjun, Jimin will kill me. Come back you punk" I yelled for the last time but he left. He said he's on his way to find the other groups. This kid is gonna make a huge trouble, I don't know what to do. Find him or Jimin. What kind of fuckery is this.


1.4k words lol :) do y'all like long chapters??

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