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I published a new book :) "Icon" another Taejin book but a little different from my usual rom-coms. Do check out ))

"Seokjin, y-you're being too impractical. You know y-"

"No. Please help me if you want to Jimin. I'll be fine going alone too"

Jimin sighed as he started the car. Seokjin tucked the belt and eased himself. They were going to the mall. They were shopping for the latter's engagement. Seokjin was confused, very confused. And unknowingly, he agreed to the proposal. It had been around 3 days since he has talked to Taehyung, and all he wished for was to not see him until he got married.

Soobin thought the older was being pathetic and let him do just whatever he wanted.

Jimin tried persuading his friend to not rush things but it didn't work at all.

Parents' pressure, feelings, CEO Kim and the Engagement pressure brought out the worst of Seokjin. He felt extremely isolated and tired at all times, wanting to just escape and relax.

"Listen to me again. You don't need to do this. You won't do this. That's it. No further discussions" Jimin stopped the car again. It had been a long time since he talked to his friend. He could sense the distance between them, and moreover the fact that Seokjin had been going through a hard time lately.

"Do you also think I'm an incapable pathetic bitch who can't even take decisions for himself? You're really rude to see me in that way. I try my level best to keep everything fine for everyone, office, home, friends, my brother's college and parents, I try to manage them all.

I'm not that street smart bitch or a clever minded person, I'm an emotional fool and when I feel sad, I can't act maturely. I can't always take the right decisions. I can't always pretend that I'm fine with everything, but atleast I do try to.

Am I not good enough even when I try my level best? Why is it so easy to point out my flaws? Why do my parents always look down at me? Is it my fault that I get sentimental at a fucking issue? I cry so bad when thing don't go how I worked for them to. Is it wrong? Why does everyone else need to take decisions for me? Am I not smart enough? Does everyone else see much the same way as my mom, a pathetic,sentimental,dumb bitch?

Am I that pathetic Jimin?"


"T-taehyung. You're fine right?" Hoseok asked nervously as he tapped the latter's shoulder. Taehyung was in the rooftop, in his meeting suit, doing nothing but standing still and gazing the whole city. 

"Why wouldn't I be?"
Taehyung said as he turned around, giving a smile. Hoseok was shivering, it was pleasantly cold and the latter stood without any warm clothings.

"Let's cut the discussion. You know right, Seokjin will get engaged?"

Taehyung's phone rang. It was Soobin. He asked Hoseok to leave since the talk was going to be long.

"Hello. Soobin-ssi?"

"My brother's getting engaged tomorrow"


"You said you liked him genuinely didn't you? Shouldn't yo-"


"W-hy are you talking like this? P-lease, I can't have that bitch as my sister-in-law"

"That's your problem I suppose. Congratulations to Secretary Kim. Sorry but I won't be attending-"

"What is wrong with you?! I know I'm not in place to tell you what to do, but, if your feelings were real, even a bit, don't-"

"Real?! I was fucking head over heals for him! And I still am. Do you know what angers me the most? The fact that he chose a random bitch over me. Do you think I don't care? I fucking care a lot about him. I waited, waited if he really did like me but eventually disappointed myself. I like him so fucking much, you have no idea! But, I won't chase him. I'll just pretend as if I never had feelings for your brother"

"H-e likes you. The childhood he's grown in was a lot different T-taehyung. I know I'm being pathetic, but you're the only person he'll listen to and he-"

"If he did like me he wouldn't have fucking told me to pretend as if nothing happened! I had no problem even if he rejected me but you're not aware of how fucking sharp that phrase was. He wouldn't have chosen her over me. I'm not angry at him but at myself. Am I not enough for him? Am I really thay awful? I fucking hate how much I like him. And still do"

"Y-our anger is justified. But, p-lease, I beg you, help him out. He's taking such decision in a r-ush. You know he's too-"

"I might be awful, but I'm not that pathetic. Do you think I'll ruin his life? Never. I would never. If that's what he want, let him do so. He's tired"

"What if I tell you that you're ruining his life? You love him don't you? Can't you give your best? I know you're expecting a similar responce back from him but how about you try again? Why? Does that lower your self pride? Or are you not confident enough? If you do love him, can't you try again? Why do you feel like you're the only one suffering? My brother is having it much worse than you, you know it too how he is. Is it your pride, is it because you can't try when things don't work out how you want them? I know he's acting like a bastard, but can't you be considerate just this once like he has always been for you? Or were you just toying with him? I know he's acting strange, but doesn't he deserve a chance too? Sometimes, you have to turn things the right way, can't you try? He likes you, or maybe loves. Don't you have the guts to just hug him and tell him everything's fine? "

Taehyung held his phone tight, as he attempted to throw it away. It was anger. Was the younger wrong? No. Taehyung felt awful, miserable and moreover, he left he was nothing but a loser.

A notification popped up, distracting him.


can I meet you today, butterfly garden? 10 p.m. Please

"Can you like me Secretary Kim? For god's sake, can you?"


Do you all want a Kiss, after 28 chapters 🥲??

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