031 - Welcome Secretary Kim!

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I hesitantly opened the door. I'm nervous. I haven't seen my people from the past days, if I'm being honest, Im anxious about what they must be thinking. I wasn't able to sleep last night thinking about this. What if they are disappointed in me? What if they start hating me? These thoughts don't seem to leave my mind soon.

"Hyung's here!"

Yeonjun exclaimed excitedly as everyone diverted their gaze towards me.

It's going to be fine. They won't hate you Seokjin. Or maybe they will.

"I missed you."

Yeonjun said as he stood up running for a hug. I was so taken aback by this.

"Thank you."

I said pulling him back as he chuckled.

"That's what you say after disappearing for a week?"

Yoongi stepped in as I smiled and looked down. They're all happy. It's nice seeing them like this.

"S-orry guys."

"A sorry won't make it up."

Jimin said coming out of the blue. Oh, well he dyed his hair pink back. That's good. It's his colour.

He looks beautiful when he smiles.

"A hug might. And a treat."


"Kid I have the detail-"

Hoseok smiled seeing the younger sitting so peacefully. Smiling through the large glass. He looked nothing but a lovesick cat.

"I see what's happening."

He said trying to attain the younger's attention who was so busy staring outside, or rather staring at the specific someone.

"Dont tell me I'm bothering you."

Hoseok said as stood beside the latter. Taehyung was fixed at his position, watching SeokJin giving a representation to his team members.

The boy stood with laser pointer in his hand, simply explaining the others and Taehyung watched him just doing so.

"And how about we focus on work?"

Hoseok raised his voice as he slammed the files against the table deriving the latter's attention.

"W-when did you even come?"

Taehyung asked as the older's eyes widened.

"When you were busy staring."

"S-hut up."

"I wasn't lying."

Taehyung tried suppressing his smile but he couldn't. Seokjin had come today. Yes, he did and it felt like a burden was off his shoulders. He felt like he could finally breath.

"O-kay what's it?"

"The files are waiting sir. I hope you remember you're no longer stuck in any love triangle,you have your company and clients too. And your future boyfriend too."

Good Luck Secretary Kim ; TaejinWhere stories live. Discover now