033 - Dinner?

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please read the previous chapter since it's been a long time since I updated

--> Check out "Coffee Crown" a new book by me :)


Taehyung's POV

"What are you-"

Before I could've completed my sentence, he held my collar and crashed his lips onto mine.

They taste like cherry, just so much like him.

I'd lie if I say I don't think about kissing him everytime after seeing those damn lips.

I took the lead, one of my arm circling his waist while the other gently placed behind his head, pushing him inside.

He seperated himself from me, took a deep breath.

"I-I don't know how to-"

My palm was below his chin, thumb outlining his lips as he stared down biting his lower lip.

"You're beautiful."

I said he gulped, looked at me as if inviting me, moved back slowly and leaned his back on the wall, titling his neck.

"Are you feeling hot?"

I asked as he nodded.

Something feels so different about him today. He's looking bold, if I had to describe in a word. He's longing for the touch, which makes him so different right now.

"The food, I guess, will be late."

He looks uninterested whenever I mention something else.

I love his little tricks.

He rubbed his lips, then parted them and formed a little pout.

"Should I lower the temperature?"

I asked.

"Take these off."

My eyes widened. He said those words, with that bold voice, pointing towards his clothes.

I'm not sure if this is even real?

"You don't want to?"

I gulped. What should I do?

We're at a restaurant.

I went upto him, placed my hands on his shoulders. Maybe he's sick or something?

"Hey, Seokjin. Listen up, It's not nece-"

Another kiss.

I'm not sure if he's alright. But I love it.

I pinned his hands on the wall with one hand, and the other below his chin, opening his mouth a bit more.

He deserves a proper kiss, if that's what he wants.

I can see his cheeks red, feel his body getting warmed, and him feeling out of breath.

He flinched a little, his hands might be hurting. That's just how dainty this person infront is.

The one moment, you want to protect him, and the second, this is all you want.

"Are you fine?"

I asked seperating myself from him. He's completely out of breath.

He didn't reply, neither a nod, simply laid his head on my neck, holding my clothes.

"Hey, Hey. It's okay, alright, you don't need to speed everything up."

I said patting his head gently.

"Do you never feel like...kissing me?"

He asked in a low voice as I gulped.

"I, think about it every moment, Seokjin. Every fucking moment, so please don't ever say such a thing. I might not want to stop if you say so."

"B-but, you neve-"


I said while thumbing his neck.

"Stop. Let's end this, okay. It's not the right tim-"

He kissed my jawline softly.


I cursed as I straightened him up, held his shoulders firmly and went for his...neck.

It's just so...I don't know but so attractive for some reason.

He tightly clutched onto my coat.

He has a sensitive spot on his neck.

Which makes this much more fun.

The sound of his soft whimpers while I gently nibble over his neck is like music to my ears.

"Your food is her-"

It was the waiter with the food trolley and the door was open. Has to be the worst timing.

"I-I am rea-lly sorry I shou-"

He panicked.

Most of the plates fell and broke.

Can this get any worse?

"I-I am really uh sorr- I apo-logis-"

"It's okay."

Seokjin said shyly holding my collar and laying his head on my coat vest.


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