He then averted his gaze onto jimin and continued.

Taehyung : Drive safely.

Jimin sighed and nodded his head and before leaving the room he told y/n with a hesitant smile.

Jimin : I'll get the car. Come out when you are ready.

Y/n weakly nodded her head and glanced at taehyung for one last time before walking out from the chamber.

Jimin was now driving them towards y/n's parents home. But the car ride was remotely silent. Jimin's eyes were only focused on the road while y/n's head was kept low. A part of her was eager to ask jimin as they too seemed to know what was happening in the office. But she didn't knew if it was right for her to interfere so she just remained silent while fidgeting with her hand when she heard jimin clearing his throat that made her look up at him.

Jimin : I know you have lots of things going on your mind....

Y/n hesitantly smiled while nodding her head.

Y/n : I do... I do have questions on my mind. It's just- it's just I don't know if I have any right to ask them.

Jimin smiled softly at her answer and said

Jimin : You can ask. I'll try to answer truthfully as much as I can y/n.

Her tongue brushed over her lips nervously before she asked

Y/n : Who was that guy? His face seemed bit familiar but I'm not sure really. I may have been mistaken-
Jimin : You are not. You may have seen him on TV.

Y/n : TV?

Nodding his head jimin continued

Jimin : Yes, you have.... Yun seungmin, son of Yun Seunghan.

Y/n's eyes widened at the name making her grasp while jimin continued

Jimin : Yes. That Yun seunghan who is running for the mayor elections this year.

Jimin stopped his car at the red light and glanced back at her who asked.

Y/n : How did Tae got involved with him?
Jimin : You don't follow his news paper daily right?

Y/n's lowered her gaze to hide her embarrassment. These days she had barely been able to grasp a hold on her own life let alone think about what is happening around her. So she didn't had any idea on what was happening around.

Jimin : He published an article on him. Few days ago.

Scratching her index finger with her thumb she replied

Y/n : W-what was it about?

Jimin : It was about Seungmin's involvement with 2023's money laundering case along with how he is providing illegal substances and other kinds of services to the VIP clients at his hotel in Seoul and Busan brunch. A journalist of ours got a new scope on this and taehyung allowed it to be published despite of the elections being in the corner. His father, yun seunghan is facing backlash ever since the article has been published.

The traffic lights turned green making jimin focus back on the road while y/n tried to process all the things jimin had said. 2023's money laundering case. She has heard about it before but wasn't full aware about all the details regarding it. She had also thought that case was closed . But maybe she was wrong.

Noticing how quiet she has became jimin spoke

Jimin : Y/n... Don't worry. Such things happen when elections are around the corner. Besides it's not the first time we have wrote such controversial articles about influential peoples. And to be honest we are respected in this industry for this reason as we don't conceal the truth.

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