"Did Mitch want kids or not really?" Tina asks her.
"I think he just said yes because he liked the life I gave him and he knew if he told me he really didn't want kids that it would be a dealbreaker for me. He knew exactly what he was doing and I feel so stupid for falling for it." She sighs.

"Well he was very good in pretending. Maybe he should have tried to pursue an acting career instead of something in music." Melissa mocks Mitch.
"Yeah well. He did three good things, he gave me Cole and Zara and he signed those papers so Daniel can adopt them." Stevie will give him that.

"Other than that he's a knob."
All three of them agree with that.

A little bit later they all head back to their rooms so they can move on with the day. Seb and Melissa decide to take the Great Ocean road and wildlife tour. So they all have an amazing day planned.

Daniel and Stevie will take the kids to Melbourne zoo with Peter and Trudy and of course Grace and Joe are coming as well. They still have two days to spend with their kids and grandkids. After that it will be a while before they will see them again. Except on FaceTime of course.

Stevie slides the keycard through the lock in the door and steps inside.
Melissa follows her because Seb is supposed to be here as well.
"Mommy!" Cole comes running towards Stevie as soon as she walks in.
"Hey handsome little man. Did you have fun with dad?" She asks him.

"Yeah and Bastian. We play seek. I found daddy." He tells her about playing hide and seek with both men.
"That sounds like fun. Did Zara hide as well?"

They walk further into the room where she finds Zara standing while holding the coffee table. It's crazy how fast she is growing up now. Soon she will be walking if she keeps going like this.
"Zara wouldn't stay hidden. She just wants to stand and crawl." Daniel smiles proudly. He loves watching Zara explore the world like this. He can't wait to walk around with her, holding her tiny hand in his.

"I guess she doesn't really understand the rules yet." Stevie strokes her daughters dark hairs, she looks more and more like her every day.

"So ehm, I just looked at my Instagram and you girls have been spotted buying pregnancy tests... are you pregnant?" Daniel bluntly asks Stevie.
"No babe I'm not pregnant. It was more of a decoy I guess."

Seb looks at Melissa.
"Are you pregnant?" He asks her, somewhere deep inside he actually has a bit of hope. Maybe the timing won't be perfect, but having a baby with Melissa would be pretty awesome.
"No champion I'm not pregnant. My birth control is working perfectly fine."

Both Seb and Daniel feel a bit disappointed. They are both more than ready to hear the women they love tell them they are pregnant. But apparently this is not the time.

"So then Tina is pregnant." Seb draws the conclusion.
"Actually, she isn't. But she was afraid she was. The only way to know for sure was for her to take a test, but she was afraid people would see her buy the test. We decided we would all buy them so even if people would see us, they would never know for who it was." Melissa explains to the guys.

"Ah ok that makes sense. Well the rumor mill is loving this. Everybody who saw the post is now guessing which one of you is pregnant." Daniel grins, he knows Melissa and Stevie are loving how the online detectives are working again.
"Well then they can wait for a long time, because nobody is growing a baby bump any time soon." Stevie laughs.

"I wouldn't mind seeing you with a baby bump though." Daniel tells her, his eyes softening by the thought of her carrying his child.
"So you want to see me fat?" Stevie tries to make a joke.
"Pregnant isn't fat. But I know now is not the time yet."

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