Lillian, with a loss of appetite, got up and set her plate on the log as she moved towards the house.

"Lilli." Carl called out. She turned to see him digging in his pocket, pulling out the shark figurine she had left for him. Lillian held back a smile as she took a step towards him to grab it. "Thanks for letting me barrow it."

Lillian sent a nod at the boy before making her way back up to the house. When she had gotten to the steps of the porch, Maggie walked out of the house.

"Well good morning." Maggie smiled.

"Can i shower?" Lillian ask her, slowly stepping up the final step.

"Yeah! Let me show you where it is." Maggie held the door open for the girl. Lillian walked in and quickly followed behind Maggie as she led them to the bathroom.

"I'll get you a towel. Do you need clothes, sweetheart?" Maggie asked the girl, which Lillian responded with a nod. "Bethy still has a lot of her old clothes, i'll go get them and we will see if they fit you." Maggie turned, stepping out for a couple of seconds before she stepped back in with a towel. She laid the towel neatly on the sink. "Start your shower, i'll have clothes for you by the time you're done." Maggie smiled at the girl before turning and walking out, closing the door behind her.

Lillian locked the door quietly before stepping over to the shower and turning the nob, which turned on the shower. She set the figurine on the sink, looking at where the mirror was. She hadn't looked in the mirror in a while she wondered how bad it was but at the same time didn't really want to see. She didn't contemplate much, she decided to just get in the shower, avoiding the mirror.

Once her shower was done, she wrapped the towel around her shoulders which covered the entirety of her body. It was just in time for Maggie to knock on the door. Lillian unlocked the door, quickly wrapping her arm back around herself with the towel afterwards before Maggie opened the door.

"So i've got a couple of tank tops, two regular shirts, and these pants." Maggie set all of the clothes on the counter. "Do you need anything else?" She asked, kindly.

"Uhm— Do you think you can do my hair?" Lillian asked nervously.

"Of course! Just come out into the dining room when you're done." Maggie then turned and walked out.

Lillian looked at all of the clothes. She wasn't quite sure what do wear, but she knew the tank tops were probably not the best option. She ended up slipping on the jeans and a plain light blue shirt. The other one had a unicorn on it, which Lillian thought was too girly for her. Then she went and got her hair brushed from Maggie before she headed back outside.

When Lillian did step outside, she watched as two of their cars drove away. She almost wanted to scream and run after them. Her heart beat was loud in her ears, frozen in place as she watched the cars move.

"Hey Lilli." She heard Colton's voice from behind her. He was standing in the door way, holding the door open as he looked at her. She turned around to look at him, tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't believe she just got left behind. "What's wrong?" Colton furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"They're leaving?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"Oh— yeah. They're coming back though! They went to go practice shooting. I asked Hershel if I could go, he said no." Colton sighed. Lillian felt immediate relief wash over her. " 'Kids don't belong around guns' " Colton mocked Hershel in a deeper voice. Lillian let out a small giggle at the boy.

"Wanna play a card game? I have Go Fish." Colton smiled.

"Sure!" Lillian made her way back onto the porch.

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