"Either way, it's a good thing. You always wanted more than one and now you've got four. No more, D. I mean it."

"Hey, tell her. She's the one that's always...."

"Shut up." I looked at him. He smiled. I smiled back.

"So have you told Gil?" asked Joey.

"Oh my god. Yes. He screamed into the phone. Almost blew my eardrum out." We all laughed. "He started going on and on about what his god daughters are gonna get as gifts and how beautiful and talented they're going to be. He's so overjoyed. You'd think they were his daughters." He laughed.

"I still can't believe he and Tommy are getting married."

"I know. It's weird. I thought he was dead set against marriage after everything I went through."

"No, I just think he was very cautious about who he was getting married to and honestly, I think Tommy is perfect for him. He is just the right amount of crazy to keep Gil in control."

"You got that right."

We pulled up to the house and before we could fully get parked, my door was opening. "Where my nieces? Where my nieces?"

"Gil, calm down. Get off my door." Denzel and Joey got out of the car.

"Move, man." Gil back away and Denzel picked me up. "You good?"

"Yeah." He carried me into the house.

"Hey!" Mother and Denzel mom met us at the door. They cleared a path for Denzel to get me to the couch. He sat me down.

"Thank you, baby." He gave me a small kiss before going out to get the girls.

"How you feeling, honey?" His mom asked me.

"I'm fine."

"You hungry? I know that don't feed you right in that hospital. I made a bunch of stuff so you wouldn't have to do anything. I even clean all over. You want me to get you a plate or something?"

"Mama, I'm fine. Just calm down."


"Just sit down." I chuckled. She and mother sat down. Joey and Denzel brought the girls in and sat them around me.

"Oh my gosh." Denzel's mom got excited. Gil walked in with a sleeping Eissa.

"I'll go lay him down, Jan."


"Why's he asleep?" asked mother.

"He got in trouble a few times with Denzel about running and he was crying a lot. Probably tired himself out."

"Awww. Was he yelling at my baby?" Denzel's mother asked.

"Yeah, a little." Denzel walked in with my and the girls' bags and they looked at him. He was confused.

"What's up?"

"Why we hearing that you were yelling at our baby?" said Mother. Denzel looked at me and I held my hands up. "Excuse me." He looked back at them.

"Well, he wasn't listening to his mother and his aunt. He needed to be told."

"Told what exactly?" His mother asked.

"That he needs to be obedient and if he didn't there would be consequences."

"So now you're threatening our baby?"

"It's wasn't like that. I was just letting him know..." Mother held her hand up.

"I don't want to hear it."

"Sorry, Booty. He woke up right when I was putting him down." Eissa was rubbing his eyes as Gil brought him in.

"Bring my baby here." Mother held her arms out and Gil handed Eiss to her. He snuggled into her. "See, how could you yell at this beautiful baby? Just being mean for no reason."

"You want some cake?" He nodded. "Come in Kathy." Mother and Denzel's mom went into the kitchen with Eissa. Denzel looked at me.

"You feed me to the vultures like that?"

"I didn't know they were going to do that."

"If you hadn't had three babies, I swear I'd..."

"Do nothing." He stared at me. "Exactly."

"Don't do him like that." Gil sat next to me. "Let me meet my nieces." I took Jazlin out of the car seat and rocked her a little to keep her calm.

"This is Jazlin."

"Oh my god." I handed her to him and he rocked her. "She's so beautiful. They all are. Oh my gosh. They're like little angels."

"Everyone is describing them like that."

"That's cause they are, Jan. You have to see the blessing and miracle in this. Three angels were sent to you from God. Look at them." I looked at my babies and I I had to admit that there was something angelic about them. It was almost unreal. 

"They are beautiful. I'm so happy to have them."

"I'm happy for you too." It was silent for a minute as we looked at the babies.

"Hey, Saleh." said Denzel. We looked up and saw him coming into the living room. He looked a little down.

"Hey, guys." He smiled. "Aww, the girls are here."

"Saleh, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He sat down. "I'm fine."

"No you're not. What's wrong?" He was silent for a minute.

"Sara is filing for divorce."


"Yeah, she refuses to see through Wissam's lies. She insists that he's the innocent party and she's still trying to convince people that I beat her. Everyone knows that's not like me. They know it's one of the main things I stand against. I just....I'm starting to become overwhelmed. I just....." He sighed and sat back. He put his hands over his face. "I don't want to mess this up. You just brought the girls home and it's a happy moment."

"Saleh, it's only a happy moment if everyone is happy. I want you to be as happy as we are. You are a part of this family."

"Not directly. I'm just a..."

"Family. You're family." said Gil. "And we're here for you." Saleh nodded.

"Thanks. It means alot to hear that."

"Of course."

"Now let's see the girls." He sat up and Gil handed Jazlin to him. "Aww. You know I always wanted daughters. I always saw myself with them."

"That's sweet." He rocked her and she settled in his arms. Every so often, she'd open her eyes and look at him. I could tell it made him feel good. Hopefully things would get better for him.



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