A Type - Ch. 26

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Evan was back from the bathroom, and soon they started chatting after eating.

Charlie happily ate Evan's serving, and June went back to her iPad in the living room.

"You know, i never told you how i met these guys." Evan noticed.

"Ooh, let's hear the story." Alina asked to hear.

"I met Felix the first day, i was struggling with the locker, since they gave me the code and forgot it immediately." He began to tell the story. "And suddenly, he noticed and intervened, inputting the code without even looking at it."

"... Sure, he couldn't look at it, but i completely overlooked the stick." He shrugged. "Kinda like you three."

"It happens, every time." Felix complained ironically.

"Maybe... try wearing sunglasses?" Chuck suggested.

"I do." Felix confirmed. "But they don't allow them at school." He crossed his arms. "Something about a senior falling asleep wearing them in class." He dropped his arms back. "I don't get that great of a special treatment."

"Well, then i tried to borrow an eraser from Felix." Evan followed the story. "He doesn't use them."

"Then i asked Charlie to lend him one, and they met, and we started to hang out, then became friends." Felix summarizes the rest.

"Don't steal my story!" Evan complained.

"I couldn't resist, you derail kinda easily." Felix explained, followed by an airy chuckle.

Felix smiled like an idiot again, there was something in Evan that made him so carefree and happy, he was enticing, and lovely.

His voice was high and cheerful, soft and conforming, a lovely sound, to a great person, someone he liked, someone he loved.

"Then, how did you meet Charlie, Felix?" Alina asked, curious.

"It's been a long time..." Felix reminisced. "Since we were just kids..."

"I think we met in elementary school, we got along immediately." Felix smiled as he said. "We've been in the same schools, and our parents also know each other."

"Sounds lovely!" Alina noted. "Are you two... friends or has anything happened?"

Charlie nearly choked with the rice she had in her mouth, she avoided it.

"No, we're best friends." Felix explained. "She has a boyfriend... Or a to-be-boyfriend, i don't know."

"Boyfriend." Charlie corrected, before drinking water.

"And i, uh..." Felix mumbled as he went with an unreadable expression.

Felix tapped Evan's hand, and he gave a positive hum in response.

"I actually need to tell you that..." Felix swallowed in fear. "I'm dating your son."

There was silence for about 15 seconds.

"I guess your taste... never changed, Evan." His dad broke the silence. "Felix is similar to Damien in some way."

The sudden comparison made Felix frown, and Evan sighed.

"And his attitude reminds me of Melissa, always so shy and cute..." Alina reminisced.

"I guess some things never change." Chuck shrugged. "You have a type, Evan."

"Felix." Chuck spoke towards Felix. "I'm glad to have you as part of the family."

"You're lucky, quiet people compliment perfectly with extroverts." Alina noted.

It felt good, way better than he could've imagined.

Until a scream came from the living room.

"WHAT? YOU GUYS ARE DATING?" June,  who overheard everything, raced towards Evan and Felix.

"That means TWO BROTHERS!" She joyfully celebrated.

June let Evan put her on his legs, and reached for a hug, while Felix smiled.

"That's good, glad you are okay with it." Evan thanked the rest of his family for the good responses.

"Evan, you were 15 since your last relationship, so you're going to go through 'The Talk' again." Chuck warned. "Both of you."

Both of their happy faces were wiped off, while Charlie chuckled. They couldn't do more than nod in agreement.

That sounds terrifying, the hell does he mean? Never underestimate the intimidation of a quiet person, Felix learned.

"Does this mean that..." Felix asked Evan in a whisper.

"Maybe, we'll settle it soon." Evan assured.

Maybe this could mean they could finally formalize and go on with their relationship.

Because being hidden from the public eye all the time makes him uncomfortable.

"If you two go to the winter dance next week," Alina added, "you need to dance together."

"I met your mother in highschool, we went to a school dance together and it became our tradition every year," Chuck told. "Going to dance somewhere romantic."

This is something Felix has completely forgotten about.

The day before winter break, they have a dance to celebrate the holidays, this year he has someone to invite and not just Charlie. Charlie too, has a pair now.

"We'll take notes." Evan said.

"Great." Chuck accepted.

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