Third Wheel - Ch. 21

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Felix and Evan walked down the hall together, to Charlie's locker, where she struggled to fit her books in her backpack.

"Let me help you with that..." Evan offered, and organized her backpack enough so the books fit.

"Thanks, storage managing is not my thing." Charlie said, playfully.

"You have at least 4 old apples in here, what the hell?" Evan asked, shocked, as he rummaged through the backpack.

"I don't really clean my bags." Charlie confessed.

Felix chuckled and smiled.

"So you guys are fine again?" Charlie asked, curious.

Evan let out a small "Oh." And he cleared his throat.

"We're sorta going out." Felix said just before Evan could speak.

"I was gonna say that!" Evan claimed.

"Too slow." Felix made fun of the matter.

"Yeah, i could have guessed." Charlie confirmed. "But it's awesome, I just hope I don't have to third wheel 24/7."

"Don't worry, we're all together on this." Felix reassured.

"Cool, we're gonna be just fine." Charlie confirmed.

"... I have my first soccer practice today, and i'm nervous." Evan confessed out of the blue.

"Why would you?, That's awesome." Charlie asked, curious, as well as giving a compliment.

"Don't you think i'm a bit short and weak for sports?" Evan self-insulted.

"No way, you're just fine." Felix reassured him.

"You're just saying that because you like me." Evan added.

"It's something i really think." Felix confessed.

"Can you stop being absolutely cute? We have gym class in 5 minutes, and i'm not prepared to be annihilated in dodgeball." Charlie reminded playfully, as she turned back to close his locker and stretched out.

"Are you fine?" Felix asked, because he only heard Charlie groan.

"I need to improve my posture, i'm having back pain." Charlie noted.

"You sound like an old lady!" Felix mentioned, and chuckled.

"You'd be suffering if you couldn't ever stop having back pain."

"I'm way more afraid of ribcage pain." Evan blurted out.

"I mean yes, using a bra may hurt, but not to the point of hurting my ribs, what're you talking about?" Charlie said, confused.

Charlie stared down confused, then she stared at Evan's chest, noticing the slight bump.

Felix worried, wondering if Charlie may have put 2 + 2 together and figured it out.

"Anything wrong?" Evan asked, innocently.

Charlie stared at the void for a few seconds, then realized.

"OH, THAT EXPLAINS A FEW THINGS." Charlie said, feeling dumb.

"What explains what?" Evan asked, worried.

"I gotta ask you something Evan." Charlie warned.

"Ask away?" Evan gave permission, confused.

"Are you... By any chance... A trans man?" Charlie, slightly rudely, asked.

"Oh. OH. You figured it out." Evan facepalmed.

"It's nothing bad, come, give me a hug, man." Charlie reassured, and walked towards Evan for a hug.

They hugged, Felix smiled.

"I also want a hug." Felix said, as he directed himself to hug them both.

"Alright Felix, come here then." Evan said.

The three of them hugged, shortly later, the bell rang, and they departed to the gym.

- - • [Following Evan] • - -

"You always hide while we're changing into sport uniform." Carter noted, talking to Evan, as they walked to the locker room for gym class.

"I don't like to change with people around." Evan confessed, hoping he'd leave the subject.

"Hm, i'll let you off this time, but later, in practice, you will change along with us to the team uniform." Carter, said, trying to include him more.

Evan blurted out a sigh, of stress.

"I'm just guessing you're just shy, don't worry, we're not gonna mess with you for being shorter." Carter reassured.

Little did Carter know it wasn't him being shy, but he couldn't guess anyway, people are just not so observant, especially dumb people.

Like every other class, he hid in a corner and changed real quick, adjusting his binder's strips to avoid them being shown.

Just as he was about to pull his shirt up, and bite down on it while he tried to accommodate the binder to avoid getting hurt, Carter walked into the corner, almost getting a full glance of the clothing that bothered him so much.

"You done here?" Carter asked, innocently.

"Right." Evan said, avoiding stuttering.

"You're on our dodgeball team, come on." Carter said, cheerfully.

Felix was told to sit down on the stands, while the rest played, because he couldn't avoid getting hit by the balls if he played.

Evan watched him a lot of the time, breaking his focus, but he remained on, and his team ended up winning.

They both had their own problems and insecurities, but it was up to them to try and be there for each other, and help each other with their issues.

At the end, they have each other, and that's what matters.

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