Fine - Ch. 17

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"They're what?!" Felix almost shouted.

"Making out, in the middle of everyone." Charlie explained, a concerned tone in her voice.

"That's good, right?" Michael asked, innocently.

"Uh..." Charlie and Felix blurted out in unison.

"I'll... I'll go find the bathroom." Felix said, his voice trembling.

And he walked away, with no direction in mind, just wanting to go away and never return.

He eventually found the bathroom, it wasn't being used, so he entered, locked the door, and leaned on the wall behind him.

He eventually slipped on the wall making him sit on the cold floor, and the shock simply ended.

Felix began to tear up, he wasn't fine, he was stupid to believe he had a chance, it's obvious Evan wouldn't be interested in him, he let his mind mess with him, gave him expectations, just to break him down emotionally, he felt drained, and felt disposed off.

- - • • • - -

He walked along with Charlie, returning to his house before curfew, Felix was emotionless, and Charlie understood she needed to give him space.

Charlie brought him to the door, and Felix opened it with his key, his dad was waiting for him to arrive.

"Hey Mr. Parks, he's home as i promised." Charlie said.

"I've told you, Charlie, you don't need to call me Mr. Parks." His dad said, reassuring.

"Alright, alright. He came back home, not a drop of alcohol in his system, everything went along fine." Charlie told.

"Thank you." His father said. "You're awfully quiet Felix, everything's fine?" He said, concerned.

"It's fine." Felix said, with his regular blank expression, but off.

Felix wasn't gonna open up right now, he wanted to go to his bed and pass out crying.

"Well, see ya' Felix, see ya' Erick!" Charlie bid goodbye to both Felix and his dad, Erick, she usually calls him as Mr. For respect, but his father has told her that she can call him by his first name.

"I'll go to sleep." Felix said plainly.

"Alright, good night, Felix." His father said, as he went to bed too.

As he imagined, Felix let himself fall on the bed as soon as he got to his room, he wanted to sleep forever, 'maybe dreaming endlessly would be better than living in this cruel reality.' Felix thought.

Truth is, everything was more complex than that.

Felix closed his eyes as he fell asleep.

- - • [Following Evan, hours before] • - -

Evan found himself letting a girl kiss him, which was unexpected at first, she was drunk and he wasn't, it was all confusing.

He separated from the kiss a few moments later, excusing himself.

"Sorry, i am not really interested." Evan said, apologetic.

"Come on, why not?" Judy asked, with a high pitch on her voice.

Evan unconsciously looked away to where Charlie and Felix were sitting just a moment ago, Felix was not there anymore.

"Sorry, i don't want to be rude." Evan apologized, unnecessarily.

"I think you're cute." Judy added, trying to get to Evan.

"No, thanks." Evan said bluntly, as he walked away, trying to search for Felix.

He looked for him in a lot of rooms, most of them, while the bathroom was locked.

"Felix, where are you?" Evan mumbled to himself.

But why was he looking for Felix? He had been developing a crush on him some weeks ago.

He never had the courage to even let a hint show, and he acted all friendly to avoid the romantic involvement, because he didn't want to ruin their friendship with romance.

But part of him thought of it as the origin of their love story, the one he always wanted, and he needed to tell him.

The entire night went by, no trace of Felix all around, and by the time he knew it, it was past his curfew, and he probably went home already.

"I'm so dumb..." Evan mumbled in self hatred.

"I ruined everything." Evan sighed, as he prepared to go home too.

Truth is, his binder was also starting to hurt his ribs, it happened all the time after hours of using it.

He wanted to get home to sleep, even though he probably wouldn't be able to, because he felt guilty.

And so he did, it sure was a long walk, but he could endure it.

Evan skipped having dinner because of the feelings, he came back home sneakily, and went to bed.

He couldn't sleep properly though, he rolled in his bed for ages, he just couldn't sleep, uncertainty filled him, as he laid awake, hoping to close his eyes and rest.

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