Another Place - Ch. 2

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"Could you lend me a pen?" Evan whispered, sitting behind of Felix, while he took notes on his laptop

"I don't really use pens…?" Felix pointed out.

"... Oh shit- Nevermind, nevermind!" Evan apologized.

"Wait a moment…"

Felix then asked Charlie, who is sitting next to him, for a pen for Evan.

"Thanks Felix, thanks… Charlotte right?" Evan asked.

"Yes, the one and only." Charlie introduced herself.

"Won't forget." Evan whispered.

- - • • • - -

"I mean, if i was a millionaire i would probably want not to waste it all instantly, and make more with it." Charlotte said, in a conversation with Evan and Felix at a lunch table.

"But money value decreases by the second, you gotta think fast!" Evan chuckled.

"Alright, Felix, what would you do with a million dollars?" Charlotte asked the previously spaced out Felix.

"Oh? Uhm… I don't really know, but i'd like to use it to live in another place or something?" Felix said, not really sure.

"I mean that's okay too, start off brand new, but what's wrong with 'this place' you're talking about?" Evan asked.

"I just wish it wasn't the same everyday, what's so great about some regular high school anyway…"

"What about friends, we have known each other since a long long time ago, and a new place wouldn't have me. Charlie said.

"Forget about it, it was a dumb thing to say." Felix apologized.

"You guys sure are great friends." Evan pointed out.

"... Hey, Evan, has anyone caught your attention lately?" Charlie asked.

"In which sense?" Evan asked.

"A crush… or something, anyone?" Charlie confirmed.

"Not really, I believe love must develop itself and shall not be forced or rushed." Evan said, poetically.

"That's a good mindset…" Felix commented.

"I always try my best!" Evan said, as he got a compliment.

"You guys are so boring, i'd be SO down for a high school romance!" Charlie groaned.

"It's like, a bit too soon to expect the romance to start, don't you think?" Evan pointed out.

"It could be easy for you to say, I bet you're gonna have the girls crazy in no time."

"Well, i think you are gonna get a guy who will love you soon enough…" Felix assumed.

"Sure hope so." Charlie said, impatient.

It wasn't long before the bell started to ring, and they had to go back to class, they went together, a new friend group has apparently just begun.

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