Natural - Ch. 6

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“Remember that i was wearing a jacket yesterday, when i went to your house?” Evan mentioned to Felix, as they were having lunch with Charlie.

“Yes, I do.” Felix answered.

“Well, I kinda left it under your desk, I didn't realize it until I got home.”

“Oh, you want me to bring it tomorrow?” Felix offered.

“Exactly, thank you.”

“You go to his house that often?” Charlie asked Evan.

“Well, just to work on the project, but it's boring to listen to his typewriter, I don't even know what he writes all day!” Evan said.

“Oh, I'm writing a story in braille.”

“Ah, yes, the one you told me? The one you never tell me what’s about?” Charlie reminded.

“Sorry, it's a personal thing.”

“Are you a writer, Felix?” Evan asked, surprised

“I try my best, but they always end up being very bad, almost as the bad fanfics Charlie reads.”

“Hey! I told you they're not fanfics, just some stories random people post, and are original stories, not fanfics.” Charlie clarified.

“Whatever floats your boat, ma’am.” Felix said sarcastically.

“Excuse me? Ma’am? I’m your exact age, sir!” Charlie argued, following his banter.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a pleasure to be with you tonight!” Evan joined their game.

“The pleasure’s mine sir.” Charlie said, still jokingly.

They laughed at their sophisticated tone.

“Though, when will you actually tell us about your secret little story?” Charlie asked.

“It's barely 3 pages long in braille, so it’s far from fully fleshed out, when I have everything figured out. When it's finished i’ll transcribe it to a document so you guys can read it.”

“Sure hope it’s a love story, i love those.” Evan confessed.

“I won't spoil anything for you, you’ll have to wait.” Felix said, dramatically.

“Truly awful, I'll tear up.” Charlie said, sarcastically.

“Anyways, how's your assignment with Monika going?” Evan changed the subject.

“Fine, surprisingly, she’s the responsible but funny type, she is also trying to get me to know a friend of a friend or something.” Charlie comments.

“Is she playing matchmaker or something?” Felix asked, a bit surprised.

“I know right, like i think when i find love it's gonna be natural, not pairing people up, if she asks me again i’ll decline.” Charlie admitted.

Felix packs up the corner of the sandwich his mom always gives him as lunch, she says it's good to eat homemade food over whatever they sell, and she is kinda right, Felix never minds.

“Oh, you’re done eating?” Evan asked.

“Yes, you guys were also eating right?”

“Uhm, oh right we haven’t even started.” Charlie just noticed.

“I was eating alone for no reason? You should’ve told me guys.” Felix complained.

“Oh sorry, we were entertained.” Evan explained.

“Break ends in like…” Felix pressed the button on his phone that reads the time for him.

“...Ten minutes, will you be able to eat so fast?”

“Don’t doubt it.” Charlie began to eat her food, really quickly.

“I’m not really hungry, i’ll eat back home.” Evan mentioned.

“Wait, that's in like 4 hours, will you do fine?” Felix asked, actually concerned.

“Yes, yes, I'll be fine.” Evan said, with a carefree tone.

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