"Does Marcus know that you're here apologizing?" Regina asked nonchalantly, hiding her disappointment that it was they who invited her to watch a movie, and not him.

"No. He went to the shower, and we saw an ad, that Superman movie was about to play in fifteen minutes, and we thought, that maybe you'd like to watch it with us," Darius answered, and Kos grunted his confirmation.

Oka-ay. So Marcus didn't know that they were here. But what would he think of their invitation? It seemed that these two Marsikons weren't aware of what happened between her and Marcus not so long ago. The only way to find out how he's coping after their hot kiss was to accept an invitation.
She was exhausted and wanted to sleep, in fact, she was already asleep when Marcus came to her earlier, but she wasn't about to miss the chance to play with Marcus and put in motion her plan of revenge. She wanted to see, how far he would go with their attraction.

"Okay, I'll be there in five," she closed the door in their faces.

So Darius said, that he was responsible for Marcus' behavior, and she was curious what it meant. She was pondering it while she put sneakers on her feet. Maybe he told Marcus to stay away from her? But why? Was he interested in her, and didn't want competition? No, it didn't make sense, he would've made the first step to show his attraction, but from him, she only felt friendly vibes. Maybe there's something more, that she doesn't know about. Yet. But she would find out for sure.

Standing outside of their door, her heart leaped to her throat. Why was she nervous so suddenly? Maybe because she was afraid of Marcus' reaction to her being there in the same room. Or maybe because this was do or die and if he didn't kiss her back, it meant she'd misread the whole situation.


She stood for a couple of minutes more, in the darkness that surrounded this part of the motel, penetrated with the waning light of the only bulb over the door. The rhythmic music of nightly creepy crawlers surrounded her, and it sounded like meditation music. She wasn't the one to meditate, but it calmed her thundering pulse, and on the long exhale, she knocked on the door.

Not two seconds later, it was opened, and a pair of naked toned pectorals and six-pack abs were greeting her in all their glory. Her gaze wandered lower and there was a white towel sitting low on his hips, showing the perfect V-line. As her gaze wandered up and up to his face, she audibly swallowed. Droplets of water were still caught in the fine blond hair on his chest, glistening invitingly. Her palms itched to touch him and wipe it from his smooth creamy torso, to feel the silkiness of his skin.
Finally, her gaze stopped on his face, and fear of seeing his indifference evaporated. Marcus was watching her watching him, he had a look of a deer caught in the lights, but his cheeks were flushed, and his mouth was slightly open. He was breathing fast and she caught him quickly licking his lips. If she wasn't mistaken (and she wasn't), Marcus wanted her. Badly. Maybe even more, than she wanted him.
The realization made her bolder, and when she somehow had found the ability to speak, she told him, "Nice, but I came here for Superman." And she moved past him, slightly bumping his shoulder with her own, and lingering a bit, reeling in the way electric currents danced along her arm leaving it tingling and wanting more.

She felt him turning with her like he didn't want to sever a connection, and she felt the heat from his body right behind her. Oh, how she wanted just to lean back into his warmth and let him cocoon her in it. But she restrained herself. She needed for him to suffer more if she wanted to have her revenge.

"I'm sorry, who's Superman?" she heard him asking in his lovely accent, and was it a hint of jealousy in his tone?

"What? You've never heard about Superman? Watched movies? Or cartoons? Or read comics?" she turned around, not believing is he for real or just caught up in a moment.

Earth Mars Love (The Marsikons)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें