Chapter 67: A Little Filly Lost

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"Death Drive," Sun said, "you look beautiful today. Did you actually get sleep last night?"

The pale unicorn's eyes widened, and since the answer to Sun's question was no, she just ignored it. She noticed that the Mane Five sat together at a table outside the Kingdom House Cafe, eating some breakfast with each other. Death Drive looked around, and sat down at a table near theirs, and Sun joined her. While she couldn't take her eyes off of Death Drive, the white mare would constantly glance at the five ponies at the other table, hoping that they would notice her.

"So, what are you having?" Sun asked. 

"I don't know what they serve here." Death Drive replied.

"Have whatever you want, because I'll pay for it." 

"Oh... Thanks..." 

Suddenly, a waiter mare walked up to their table. To Death Drive's surprise, their waiter was Dragon Rose, and she looked no different from when the two last saw her, save for a few bruises and scars. She rolled her eyes, and with a tone that screamed, "Oh, great. You.", she said, "Hello, can I please take your order?"

Death Drive had an equal level of indifference. "Yes, I'd like... uh... Do you have bagels with cream cheese?"

"I'll have one too." Sun added.

Dragon Rose's jaw dropped upon seeing Sun, who she somehow didn't notice her sitting at the table. "WHAT IS SHE DOING WITH YOU?!" Rose exclaimed in pure confusion. The sudden loud noise caused every head around them to turn to see what was going on, including the Mane Five. Death Drive was a bit flustered, feeling like she was being watched by every set of eyes in Ponyville.

"She's my girlfriend!" Sun proclaimed with a smile.

There was a long moment of silence before Dragon Rose spoke again, "I don't care, actually. I'll just get your order." She quickly walked back inside, trying to detach herself from a situation that she was shocked by.

Death Drive took a deep breath, and looked at Sun, smiling back at her. "I AM your girlfriend. You'll do anything for me, won't you?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yep!" Sun replied.

"Good. Then stop eating like a pig. Ever since I started living with you, the way you eat just ticked me off. It's like you have no self-awareness."

"I don't!" Sun replied.

The Mane Five, who were watching from their front row seats to this performance, were confused, to say the least. Applejack and Rarity exchanged an equally speechless glance. 

"What's this about doing whatever she wants...?" Rainbow whispered.

"Oh, my... They must really love each other." Fluttershy remarked.

"Good for them." Pinkie grinned.

Dragon Rose came back, and placed two cream cheese bagels on the table for the two lovestruck mares. She swiftly went back inside the cafe and banged her head against the counter repeatedly, trying to hit her head enough to forget the fact that she just witnessed the most stupid, confusing thing in Equestria.

Death Drive paid it no mind, however, only focusing on the cute spectacle of a mare sitting across from her, who was messily eating her bagel. She actually didn't mind that Sun completely forgot her order to eat with any modicum of table manners. The Mane Five, though, were astonished watching the complete contrast in behavior that the couple put on display. Death Drive was like a unicorn of high prestige, delicately cutting her bagel into pieces, while Sun was a common earth pony, just sort of taking bites of the bagel until it was gone.

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