Chapter Thirty Seven

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After Bailey left Rebel and Dom shifted into enjoying their Sunday. Dom checked his email for information about background checks while Rebel sat by him on the sofa scribbling lyrics for a new song on a notepad. Rafe was laying close by them both and asleep. He was tired after playing catch with Dom earlier.

" You're stealing my dog's affection," Rebel teased.

Dom shrugged and said," What can I say? He has good taste. "

" You have an enormous ego. "

Dom chuckled," Well, I'm an enormous man. I assume you're wearing actual clothes because there is another guest coming over? If so I'm make myself available but not seeable in the kitchen. "

Rebel was indeed wearing non PJs today. Another pair of skin tight black jeans and a glittery black tee shirt.

" Unfortunately. Remember that hideous Daisy Fate is coming over for hopefully a short visit. Not looking forward to it. Our adventure last night will undoubtedly be a main topic of her conversation today. "

Dom tossed down his phone and swung an arm around Rebel's shoulders. Rebel scooted closer and leaned closer to Dom while reading what he had written.

" I hate interviews," he said. He knew he sounded whiny but oh well.

" Then why do them ? "

" Because I have to. It keeps me in the public eye. If I don't talk and go all recluse they'll just tell lies on me. Then I get more visits from Bailey. I try my best to limit his visits. He's forty going on sixty and thinks he's my father or something. "

Dom laughed. " He can't be that bad. He did have a point about what happened last night. My mother rammed my ass on that as well. No more bar fighting, Rock God. "

Rebel laughed. " You all spoil my fun. "

" In fact you should rest your terrible bar fight related injury before this horrible terrible rotten interview with Rosie Mae. Bailey would approve of that," Dom chuckled.

" Daisy Fate. Of the UK but her Brooklyn occasionally peeks out. "

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