Chapter Twenty Seven

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Rebel caught his breath and stepped between them, saying," Hey , come on, guys! No need for fighting. I'm not interested in Fallon here. Have a drink on me, buddy. "

" Not your buddy, you cocky rich fucker ! ," the guy snarled as he hauled off and sucker punched Rebel in the nose.

Then all hell broke out.

Rebel fell back in shock, holding his bleeding nose.

Dom's fist slammed into the laughing attacker's face.

The others in the club stopped dancing and flirting to stand back and watch the show. All had their smartphones recording the action.

A trio of big burly black clad bouncers raced over to separate Dom and the guy who was getting ready to rebound.

Fallon the bartender aimed her 45 at the group. " Get Russell the fuck out of here! I've had it with him! You're banned, bitch! "

Two bouncers dragged out a cussing still fighting Russell while the other dared to touch Dom who grumbled dangerously," Get the fuck off me. "

Still holding his nose, Rebel shot out," Leave him alone! He's with me! "

Those words were a treasure to Dom's ears.

He grabbed Rebel protectively and said,"We're leaving. Now. "

Rebel stuttered,"BB but....... "

Dom lowered his head towards Rebel and noticed the man's eyes began to gaze over slightly at the same time his breath hitched.

" No buts , Rock God. Contrary to popular opinion I'm in charge right now. Not you. "

He lifted up the man and carried him through the awe struck still filming crowd which parted for them like the Red Sea.

A tall lean older man in a well tailored suit frowned at them from a nearby booth. Don't get so handsy , tall dark and mean, he mused. He sipped his brandy. Rebel belonged to him. Forever.

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