Chapter Thirty One

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Rebel felt calmer than he thought he would be telling this story that was his past. The past his fans didn't know. That Bailey didn't know. That his producers didn't know.

" One of her gentlemen visitors didn't want her. He was a rich man. Big in the town. He controlled a lot. Employed most the town. He rented that hovel we lived in to my mom. That's how she paid rent but he didn't want her anymore. He preferred younger. Very young. My mom offered him Emily. My sister. Sissy. "

That was his breaking point. Tears ran down his face.

" Sissy didn't want to do it. I..... I tried to protect her. I tried to help her. She was my sister. I loved her. She was my best friend. We did everything together. I tried. I did in a way. He changed his mind. "

Dom looked down at the sobbing man. He looked angry. " What do you mean he changed his mind? "

Rebel tried to smile but couldn't. " He changed his mind. He took me instead. "

( Jed forced him to his knees before him. Ricky Joe's heart was pounding so hard he could hear it. His eyes were staring in horror at the man's huge penis.

" Suck it, boy. And Lord help you if you bite it. I'll break your neck. Then I'll kill your sister and mommy. ")

Dom growled," He did what! The bastard. The..... How old were you? "

Rebel said," Thirteen. It was my birthday. Happy birthday, Ricky Joe. "

" He gave Mom money and she got us a bike that birthday," Ricky Joe said. " Remember? We threw it off a cliff. "

Dom released him. He jumped up from the bed and began to pace back and forth. Then he stopped pacing and with one fierce roar of fury punched the wall.

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