Chapter Twelve

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Rebel came stomping back downstairs. Apparently the call to Bailey wasn't successful.

He narrowed his eyes and approached Dom sternly. His slim arms were crossed impatiently across his bony chest. He was trying to look intimidating and failing.

" I have five bedrooms and four bathrooms. Which do you want during your hopefully short stay ? "

Yours, Dom wanted to say.

What he really said was ," The one closest to yours. "

Rebel lifted a pampered eyebrow.

" Security purposes only. Until this letter writer is caught I'm going to become a second ass on you. "

He forced the manilla envelope into Rebel's hands. " Read these letters. You'll understand how critical it is to keep your pampered ass safe. While you do that I will do a safety check of this palace of yours. "

Rebel reluctantly returned to the sofa and sat down to read. Rafe was sleeping on the floor snoring and drooling. " Fine but I prefer R.R. Martin though. And my place is perfectly safe. I have the best security system in the city. "

                Several minutes later

" Your security is shit. "

Rebel looked up in alarm. His heart was pounding faster than normal. He didn't scare easily but those damn letters were playing with his head. He could not believe someone hated him this much. Wanted to hurt him this much. His eyes fluttered down to the awful words. This person wanted to........ Wanted to........

His skin turned cold.

It was just like......

Just like......


Suddenly the letters were pulled from his hands. Hands that were shaking badly.

Dom asked softly," You ok ? "

Rebel looked up at his handsome scarred face and saw genuine concern reflected there. It almost broke him. Nobody was concerned about him. Maybe Bailey and Bev but they were paid to care. Although so was Dom. He swallowed and fought hard to speak. " I'm fine. "

" No , you're not," Ricky Joe said.

" No , you're not," Dom said as he laid the letters on the glass topped coffee table. " Wait here. "

Rebel started to stand but couldn't. His legs felt unsteady. All of a sudden he didn't want this man to leave. He didn't want to be alone.

" Stay here. I'm getting you a drink. And we need to discuss a little later why your security system is deactivated. "

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