Chapter Three

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Rebel Baby Mama to Just A Guy Called Rebel - You know you look just like Rebel!

Just A Guy Called Rebel - Nah , baby girl, it's an optical illusion. BTW we're working Rebel 's Delight as you speak. It's gonna be King Sized!

                  National Spy tabloid

Rebel looks exhausted outside his Park Avenue penthouse apartment. Is this part two of his Mystery Collapse last summer?

Hit supermodel and Star of Hollywood Babe Cops Ashley Ashland and King Sized Rebel are on the outs ! Ashley seen on arm of DaDa Dearest star Scott Weston at Club Raid !

              ( Texts)

Bailey: Ms. Gibson, Rebel is not happy with this book deal of yours.

Sallie Gibson: Oh , it ain't nothing but a few childhood moments! That boy was always such drama. Like the Christmas he whined and cried about having no gifts.

Bailey: You mean the Christmas you lost the gift money in a poker game?

Sallie: Don't believe a blessed word my boy says. He fibs. Always has.

Bailey: He didn't tell me that small minor tidbit. He never refers to his past. His sister Emily Jean did.

Sallie:Oh she's even worse. She looks sweet but you can't trust her an inch. She used to bite as a child.

Bailey: I find the good Reverend Emily Jean to be quite honorable.

Sallie: Well she's straight. And frigid. And can't sing or dance or play the sex symbol on stage so she's of no use to the likes of you, Twinkle Toes.

Bailey: Back to the book. Cease and desist it. Rebel 's lawyers will be sending you paperwork to that degree.

Sallie: I will not!

Bailey: You will if you wish to keep receiving the ten thousand dollar checks every month from your son. And might I remind you the flat is in Rebel 's name still?

Sallie: Bitch.

Bailey: Takes one to know one.

Detective Eric Fletcher: Hey , Gaines! Are you really doing baby duty on that Rebel dude ?

Dom : Unfortunately yes. In fact on my way to his fancy palace to see his royal highness. What's up? Did your better half finally dump your cocky ass ?

Eric : Fuck you too. The future Mr. Dr. Fletcher is just fine thank you. He's why I texted though lol.

Dom : ?

Eric : Was wondering if you can get Reese an autograph from this guy. I'll owe you big , man.

Dom : Wtf ? Reese likes Rebel ?

Eric : lol hell yeah. Everyone likes Rebel. Good thing this guy is straight or I'd have to kill him lol. He follows him on Twitter and likes him on Facebook and belongs to the Rebel 's Baby Mama fan club lol. He also likes Reverend Emily Jean.

Dom : Who ?

Eric : Man , you been living under a rock or something? Reverend Emily Jean is Rebel 's older sister. She's always talking to God. Apparently he answers. I always thought that was a mental issue myself. She has that big Talking To God podcast and does African missionary trips with her husband. Writes religious books. According to Reese and People magazine they got a big falling out because she's holy and he shakes his groove thing on stage for money.

Dom : Rich people are fucking crazy. Keep it quiet about my babysitting gig. His manager wants it hush hush.

Eric : Got ya. As long as Reese gets his autograph.

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Just A Guy Called Rebel - No means no unless it's good old Rebel apparently.

        Screw Rebel - That's cause you're a fucking slut loser. Drop dead , bitch. I can't stand you.

REBELOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant