Chapter Eleven

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Dom's eyes went from the sweeping staircase that Rebel had just ran up as he called up his manager on his own iPhone to his brother Anthony who stood in the foyer. Anthony looked amazed. He chewed on his unlit cigar and said," Here you go, bro. I made photocopies of the photocopies so no need to worry about putting them back. Just burn them bitches. "

Anthony jerked his massive head and football player neck towards the steps , saying " That really him ? He look smaller in person. "

Dom fought back a grin. " Everyone is small next to us. "

" Not Eddie. "

" Don't. "

" Come on. You out now. We don't give a shit. "

" Eddie isn't out. "

" Dom , he's dead. "

Dom gritted his teeth. Yeah. Eddie was dead but his family was still alive. His parents. His siblings. His wife. The real widow.  He wasn't going to bust their bubble about who they thought Eddie was. To the world Eddie was just his partner and friend. Only a handful knew the truth. Like the idiot next to him.  " Don't you have any pressing work you could be doing, little brother? "

Anthony grumbled," Yeah right. You get all the fun. Marco plays around with the cyber crime shit. Vincent plays James Bond. I get stuck in the office doing paperwork with Ma. "

" My heart bleeds for you,Tony. You're the one asked for more desk responsibilities. "

" No. Cassie requested me having more desk responsibilities. And Ma gave in. That betraying old hag. And if you tell her I said that I'll break you in half. "

Dom snorted," You can try. And fail. "

Anthony rolled his eyes. " I played college football. "

" At a loser school. The background done yet on everyone in the Mockingbird case ? Including Mockingbird himself? "

" Not yet. And you can pick up any People magazine to get the scoop on King-sized up there. If not The Spy. I hear he got ten baby mamas ! "

Dom considered giving Anthony a wedgie. " Stop reading shit. Get back to work. I want those backgrounds ASAP. "

As he was leaving the apartment Anthony whined ," Why the fuck can't Cass be cool about the job like Marco's Marie? "

" Because Cass actually gives a shit about you and your on the job heart attack chasing after that bank robber. Which is more than we can say about Marco's shop addicted Marie. Bye , Tony. How's the diet by the way? "

Anthony preened proudly. " I lost ten pounds. "

Dom smirked. " Well if you turn around you'll find them in your big lard ass. "

" Fuck you," Anthony growled as Dom closed the door on him.

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