Chapter Seven

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Rebel's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas Day. " Yes. And no. The man I got him from three years ago as a pup said he was half wolf. Other half is German Shepherd. His mama was the dog. His name is Rafe. Want to pat him? He's very tame. Wolves are very loyal. And faithful. Least one of us who lives here is. "

He laughed but unlike before it sounded lifeless. Like he was putting on an act. Dom wanted to hear the other laugh again.

Kneeling down, Dom held out his big outstretched hand to the animal like his Pop taught him to as a kid. Never approach a strange animal, Pop said. That would spook them. For some reason that advice seemed to fit Rebel as well. Rafe moved closer to him, his nose nuzzling his hand. Then the creature sniffed it twice and licked his face once before returning to his master. Rebel looked amazed.

" He likes you. He usually takes a while to warm up to other people. But you....."

Dom shrugged. He stood back up. " Had dogs growing up. I like them. And yeah you're right. Wolves are loyal. They mate for life. "

" Really? I'm right about something? That's a first. Not really paid to be right. "

Dom regarded him. He had never met anyone like him before. Even Eddie.....

" What are you paid for? "

Rebel stroked Rafe and the dog lay on his belly with a contented sigh. Dom envied the animal. Rebel's hands looked gentle. It had been too long since any man had touched him.

( Eddie's hands gripped Dom's jet black hair as their mouths met in a frenzy of panicked kissing. " Fuck , Ed , I ....... ," Dom murmured against the other man's lips. " Don't say it , Gaines. Say that L word and I'm out of here. " )

" To make little teen girls and their mamas cream their panties and sell sex on stage. It's all I'm good for. I'm just a product. "

He sounded like he was reading from a memorized script.

Dom shook his head. " Nah. I've heard you sing before. Not my style of music but you're good. My brother Anthony's wife Cassie has all your stuff. She's your biggest fan and she's no teen girl. She's a forty year old wife and mother and therapist. You got the pipes. My Gram would call you blessed. "

Rebel smiled bitterly. " Blessed? More like cursed. It's not necessary to kiss my ass. I'm a hack. I know this. You're still getting paid. Bailey makes sure all my bills are paid as does my accountant. With my approval. Now let's discuss why you are here. Bailey is freaking and claims someone is out to get me. "

" You don't think so ? "

"  Why should I? I am well known. I get fan mail. A lot of fan mail. Bags of it. I don't read it. I pay a college student Bev to go through it all. She reads it and sends them autographed pictures. Apparently something spooked her and she passed it to Bailey who is obsessing on it.  He said you're the best at whatever you do. Sorry for wasting your time. But as I said I always pay my bills. For your troubles I'll toss in a free CD and autographed picture for your sister in law. "

" So you haven't actually read it? "

" No. Why would I? I have people for that. "

" You need to read it. " Dom pulled out his iPhone and dialed up a number.

" Why ? "

Dom ignored him. A gruffier than even his voice answered with," What up , bro ? "

" Anthony, I need you to bring me the Mockingbird letters. "

Anthony growled," You know better. That bougie manager said those letters don't leave the office. Why you want them? "

" Because our client needs to know what he's dealing with. He's a man not a child. His best protection is not to remain ignorant. "

Rebel said ," Who are you calling ignorant? "

" Bring me the letters. To Rebel's penthouse. Address on file. "

Anthony groaned," Ma gone kill us. "

" Only if you don't put them promptly back, little brother. Don't forget to wipe away fingerprints. Get here soon. "

" Fuck you. You owe me, Dom. "

Dom groaned on that one. Last time he owed Anthony he ended up babysitting Anthony and Cassie's eight year old identical triplet daughters June July and August who were also  well known as The Triple Threat.  Anthony and Cassie had gotten a week in the Bahamas. Dom had gotten a headache that lasted two weeks.

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