Chapter Thirty Two

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" Your mother. Your so called mother. Where was she? Did she try to stop it ? Have the bastard arrested? What kind of cops were in that town you grew up in? Where was your damn mother? "

" She was right there," Rebel said numbly. " She told me later I owed the family because I got my father killed. The fire was my fault. I was playing trucks in the living room and knocked over a lit candle. It fell over. It was an accident. I didn't mean it ! "

Dom pulled him close. " Shhh. Of course it was an accident. It wasn't your fault. You were a child. Just a kid. Your mother should be whipped. And this Jed should be shot. Please tell me he went to jail. Please. "

Rebel clutched him like he was a lifeboat and Rebel was drowning.

" No. Not that night. Or the others. "

" The others? What? He did this more than once? Good Lord above. Have mercy on your sweet sweet sweet soul. How long?"

" Once a week in my room at the hovel. Until I was twenty two. When I escaped. I came to New York because it was big and I thought I could disappear forever. Two years later I met Bailey. The rest is public knowledge. "

" You left me behind," Ricky Joe said.

" Bailey doesn't know. Please don't tell him. Don't tell anyone. Please. "

Dom squeezed him and kissed his head gently. " Who is Jed ? Where is he? "

Rebel froze. No. He couldn't tell that. Anything but that. Emily might believe Jed changed but he didn't.

( " Tell anyone and you'll become a memory," Jed threatened. )

" No. That's not necessary to know. "

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