Chapter Fourteen

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The rest of the day unfolded more naturally than either bodyguard nor star figured it would. The only sticking point had been Dom lecturing Rebel on leaving his security deactivated. Rebel had shrugged his shoulders and tried to justify it by saying sometimes he just forgot because he was so busy.

" It isn't like I live in some awful crime ridden area anyway ," Rebel said and Dom heard a slight country twang to his voice as he spoke. " This is a safe building. The police chief even lives here. I don't think he likes me much. He kept hounding me to perform at the Policeman Charity Ball. I said no because the city can not pay my rates and wrote a check. It was a decent amount. But now he ignores me on the elevator. Besides I don't need to worry about that awful old security system anymore now that I have you and your muscles watching out for me, do I? "

Then the man in those ridiculous PJs had quickly forgot the whole thing as he flicked on his large flat screen TV to some obnoxious looking exercise show with an anorexic type blonde woman barking orders to what sounded like a background of Rebel's music. When he began to bounce on his tip toes and launch into a series of long lengthy stretches that only drew Dom's attention to his ass more Dom decided to exit back to the kitchen. The kitchen was a dream. Such a glorious designer kitchen with the latest appliances was wasted on Rebel. Dom always enjoyed cooking and people called him good at it.  Hell he and Pop cooked the entire Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners themselves because Mama was allergic to anything culinary.  Dom would give an arm and a leg for this kitchen. It put his own pitifully small kitchen in Queens to shame. He slid his hand lovingly along the stainless steel counter top before dialing up his sister in law and best friend Cassie.

" Hello, Dominic, got my autograph yet? "

Dom groaned. " I'm on the job. I can't be begging autographs off the client. Wouldn't be professional. Ma would kill me. "

Cassie laughed throatily. " Bull and shit. Ma wants one too. How often you get to be around music royalty? Speaking of is he as fine as he looks on TV and in magazines ? Hit on him yet ? If not go for it. Liven up the family reunions. "

Dom peeked into the living room. Rebel was now cross legged on the floor,eyes closed. He looked peaceful and was making weird noises. Kinda like " ommmmm".

" Don't be ridiculous. He's not gay. I don't think he is. Anyway I called to see if you'd bring over some of my stuff and some food tomorrow. "

" Is cooking for the client part of the contract? I knew that thing was strict but damn. "

Then in the background on her end he heard the sound of several young girls screaming as well as a dog barking and a cat meowing. " Put down that knife! ," Cassie shouted in her strict"don't make me hurt you " voice. " The chair too ! June, July, August, cease and desist now ! " Dom thanked God he wasn't there and mumbled that he would text her what he needed.

" Yeah. You do that. ,"Cassie yelled just before hanging up abruptly. Dom tucked his phone back in his jeans pocket and thanked God he had no children. He returned to the living room where Rebel was still ommmming. This was going to be a long complicated case.

Rebel opened his eyes.

" Thai ,"he said.

Dom furrowed his brow. "Excuse me? "

" It's almost my lunch. I eat exactly at noon. Otherwise my body won't adjust. Would you like Thai ? It's very good and healthy. The restaurant next door is excellent. Order my usual and get anything you want. It's on me. I get free meals because I showcase the restaurant on my Twitter and Instagram. Order on my phone. It's under Suz's. "

" Say please."

Rebel closed his eyes once more. " Ommmmm."

Dom sighed. He reached for Rebel's phone which was on the coffee table and dialed up the restaurant.

" Che Palle ," he muttered.

Rebel paused chanting to smile.

( Che Palle means What Balls in Italian. )

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