Chapter Twenty Eight

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" What the fuck did you think you were doing? ," Dom demanded as he tenderly examined Rebel's nose in his bathroom which thankfully wasn't as pink as the bedroom.

Rebel winced a little. His nose was no longer bleeding like a stuck pig but it still hurt. He didn't think it was broken though. Which was why he refused to allow Dom to take him to a hospital for treatment. It was bad enough seeing all those cell phones recording his humiliation. He could just hear Bailey now. Bailey would probably threaten to quit. Again.

" I was trying to have a good time," Rebel lied. He shifted on the closed toilet seat he was perched on. The one Dom had masterfully placed him upon.

" Liar ," Ricky Joe said. " You hate clubs and bars. You hate crowded spaces. You hate parties. "

Dom seemed satisfied that there was no real damage so he stood up suddenly. Being this close to him had goosebumps forming on Rebel's skin.

" No. I meant stepping between me and Captain Turd face back at the club. That's not smart. Rebel, you could have been hurt a lot worse. "

Dom's tone softened as his fingers brushed at Rebel's cheek.

" I'm your bodyguard. It's my job to protect you. "

" You did. "

Dom's eyes were unreadable as he leaned forward.

" No. I didn't. If I had we would have stayed right here and ate and watched old movies with people singing and dancing. "

His face moved closer to Rebel's.

" And kissing. "

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