Chapter Thirty Six

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  " What exactly were you thinking , sir ? ," Bailey Mullins snapped tersely as he confronted Dom as Rebel huddled on the sofa with Rafe. " Your company is entrusted with this man's safety and well being. You take him to some type of night club where he is assaulted. I heard there were guns involved ! "

Dom examined the man closely. On paper he seemed a decent type. In person he appeared a tight ass anal retentive dick who was too involved in Rebel's life. And he was in love with Rebel. Dom could tell that because he was halfway to falling for the man himself.  " He's fine. I checked him out myself once we returned home. "

Bailey huffed ," Fine ? I don't consider being punched in the nose fine. He should have went immediately to the hospital. "

Rebel sighed. He stood up and went to Dom's side. " Bail , I'm fine. I'm terrific. It was my idea to go out. Dom tried to stop me but I overruled him. So please stop your almighty bully boy routine, ok ? It doesn't work with you anyway. You cried during Bambi! "

Dom snorted.

Bailey stroked Rebel's nose. Dom wanted to break the man's hand for touching Rebel.

" Hmmm," Bailey said stiffly. " No harm appears done thankfully but you will go see your doctor bright and early tomorrow morning. Do you think your bodyguard is up to that particular task? I can't believe this. I asked Ariel Gaines for her best and this is what I get? "

Dom gritted his teeth and counted to ten.

Rebel snapped out ," I'm not going to any doctor. I'm an adult. I know when I'm hurt. I'm not hurt. I chose to go out. That was my mistake not his. Dom is staying my bodyguard. If he isn't, if you make trouble for him I will find a new manager ASAP. Do I make myself clear? "

Bailey looked hurt and speechless. Dom almost felt sorry for him. Almost but not really.

" Well. I guess that's that then. Of course he's your bodyguard. You don't need a new manager. I'm your manager. " Bailey hesitated before continuing to speak," I'm also your friend. I promised Yancy I'd look out for you. I'm glad you're well , Rebel. "

He looked shrewdly at Dom. " Keep him well, sir. And stay out the tabloids ! And off social media! I'm run off my feet controlling this whole mess ! "

Rebel smiled at him and said," Drama queen. "

Bailey ignored that and left the apartment.

As the front door closed firmly Dom lifted an eyebrow at Rebel. " Is he always that charming? "

Rebel laughed dryly. " Oh , this was a good day. "

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