Part 45: Emily & Angelique

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As Emily recounted her encounter with the wolf with glowing red eyes, Angelique listened intently, her expression a mix of concern and intrigue.

"So, you're saying Lucas was there, just before you saw the wolf?" Angelique asked, her brow furrowed in thought.

Emily nodded, her gaze distant as she relived the chilling moments in her mind. "Yeah, it was weird. He seemed... nervous. Like he was hiding something."

Angelique's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with possibilities. "Do you think he knows something about what's going on in this town?"

"It's possible< I don't know much about him," Emily replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But Rose... she saw something too. She warned me to stay out of the woods."

Angelique's curiosity piqued at the mention of Rose's cryptic warning. "What do you think she saw?"

Emily shrugged, her gaze drifting to the tabletop as she pondered the question. "I don't know. But whatever it is, she's keeping it to herself. And that just makes me more determined to find out what's really going on in this town."

Angelique reached out, resting a reassuring hand on Emily's arm. "Just promise me you'll be careful, Em. We don't know what we're dealing with here."

Emily offered her a small smile, grateful for her friend's concern. "I will, Ange. I promise."

As they sat there, their minds buzzing with unanswered questions and unspoken fears, Emily and Angelique knew that they were embarking on a journey fraught with danger. But with their friendship as their anchor, they were ready to face whatever darkness awaited them in the shadows of Ruby Falls.

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