Part 1: Ruby Falls Gazette

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**The Ruby Falls Gazette - May 2001**

Mystery of the Ruby Falls Killings Solved: Police Declare Culprit to Be a Wolf

In a surprising turn of events, the recent string of killings and disappearances that have plagued our quiet town of Ruby Falls has come to an end. After weeks of tireless investigation, the authorities have closed the case, attributing the attacks to a lone wolf.

The ordeal began several months ago when reports of strange happenings and eerie encounters began to circulate among the townsfolk. Whispers of wolves that walked upright on two legs and vanished into the night like phantoms sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls.

As the attacks continued, fear gripped the hearts of Ruby Falls' residents, and speculation ran rampant as to the identity of the elusive culprit. Some suspected foul play, while others whispered of supernatural forces at work.

But now, after months of investigation, the truth has finally come to light. In a press conference held earlier today, Sheriff Mason Landry announced that the authorities had closed the case, declaring that the attacks were the work of a lone wolf.

According to Sheriff Landry, evidence collected at the scenes of the attacks, including tracks and DNA samples, pointed to the presence of a large predatory animal—a wolf—that had been preying on the townsfolk under the cover of darkness.

"We believe that the recent string of killings and disappearances can be attributed to a lone wolf that wandered into town from the surrounding wilderness," Sheriff Joe Thibodeux stated. "While the circumstances are tragic, we can take comfort in the fact that the threat has been neutralized, and the people of Ruby Falls can rest easy once more."

With the case officially closed, the townsfolk of Ruby Falls can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the shadow of fear that has hung over their quiet town has finally been lifted. But as the sun sets on another day in Ruby Falls, one can't help but wonder—what other mysteries lie hidden in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered?

Sarah, Jones, Staff Writer

****This takes place approximately 23 years before Wolf starts****

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