Part 44: Angelique & Emily

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As Emily and Angelique sat in the cozy booth of the West End Diner, their conversation ebbed and flowed, weaving through the intricacies of their recent experiences in Ruby Falls.

"So, tell me everything," Emily urged, her eyes fixed intently on Angelique. "What happened after you left the theater?"

Angelique took a deep breath, her gaze drifting to the window as memories of that fateful night flooded her mind. "It was... surreal," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and unease. "I was heading back to my trailer when I heard this... growling sound behind me."

Emily's brow furrowed in concern. "What was it? Another wolf?"

Angelique shook her head, her hands trembling slightly as she reached for her tea. "No, it was... different. Bigger. More... human. More menacing."

Emily's eyes widened with alarm, the gravity of Angelique's words sinking in. "And then what happened?"

"I ran," Angelique admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But it was like... like it was toying with me, stalking me through the darkness. I barely made it to my trailer."

Emily's breath caught in her throat, a shiver coursing down her spine at the thought of her friend being pursued by such a terrifying creature. "Oh my god, Ange. Are you okay?"

Angelique offered her a weak smile, her fingers tightening around the ceramic mug in her hands. "I'm... I'm fine. Physically, at least. But..." Her voice trailed off, her gaze drifting to the tabletop as she struggled to find the words to describe the horror of that night.

Emily reached out, gently squeezing Angelique's hand in a silent gesture of support. "I'm here for you, Ange," she said softly.

Angelique smiled, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Thanks, Em. I... I appreciate it."

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