Part 10: Rose

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As the echoes of her screams faded into the night, Rose's instincts kicked in, propelling her into a frantic flight from the scene of horror. With trembling hands, she fumbled for her keys and stumbled into her car, the engine roaring to life as she peeled away from the cemetery in a cloud of dust and desperation.

The drive back to town was a blur of flashing lights and pounding heartbeats, the memory of the beast's blood-soaked claws etched into her mind like a nightmare she couldn't escape. With each passing mile, Rose's thoughts raced, her mind grappling with the terrifying reality of what she had witnessed.

Finally, she screeched to a halt outside the familiar brick facade of Sheriff Landry's home, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she stumbled out of the car and pounded on the front door.

"Open up! Please, I need help!" she cried, her voice raw with panic and disbelief.

Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Sheriff Mason Landry, his expression a mixture of concern and confusion as he took in Rose's disheveled appearance.

"Rose, what's wrong? What happened?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern as he pulled her into a comforting embrace.

Trembling against him, Rose struggled to find the words to describe the horrors she had witnessed in the cemetery. But as she tried to recount the events, her words stumbled and faltered, her mind clouded with shock and disbelief.

Sheriff Landry listened patiently, his brow furrowed with concern as he tried to make sense of Rose's fragmented story. Though her words were disjointed and filled with fear, he could see the genuine terror in her eyes, and his heart ached for her.

"Easy, Rose. Take a deep breath," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm against the storm raging within her. "I believe you, whatever it is you saw. You're safe here."

And as Rose clung to him, her mind swirling with memories of blood and darkness, she knew that no matter what lay ahead, she was not alone. In the arms of Sheriff Landry, she found a glimmer of solace amidst the chaos—a beacon of light in the darkest of nights.

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