Part 20: Ruby Falls Gazette 2023

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The Ruby Falls Gazette

March 12, 2023

Murder Mystery Grips Ruby Falls

In a series of tragic events that have sent shockwaves through our quaint town, Ruby Falls finds itself grappling with a mystery that has left residents on edge and authorities baffled. Three brutal killings have occurred within the span of just two weeks, each one more grisly than the last, and the perpetrator remains at large as the police continue their desperate search for answers.

Authorities have been tight-lipped about the details of the investigation, but sources close to the case reveal that all three victims suffered fatal injuries consistent with a wild animal attack. However, despite extensive searches of the surrounding area and interviews with potential witnesses, the police have yet to identify any suspects or make any significant breakthroughs in the case.

In the wake of these unsettling events, rumors and speculation have run rampant throughout the town, with some residents fearing that a dangerous predator lurks in the shadows, while others whisper of more sinister forces at work. One particularly intriguing theory comes from an elderly woman who claims to have knowledge of an ancient legend passed down through generations in her family.

Mrs. Abigail Hawthorne, a longtime resident of Ruby Falls, recounts a tale her grandmother once told her about wolves that walk upright, creatures said to possess an otherworldly intelligence and a taste for human flesh. According to Mrs. Hawthorne, these creatures were once feared by the townsfolk of Ruby Falls, who took great care to avoid the forests after dark lest they fall prey to the beasts that lurked within.

"It's an old story, to be sure," Mrs. Hawthorne says with a wistful smile, "but there are some things that you just can't shake from your memory. My grandmother swore by the truth of it, and I've always believed that there are some mysteries in this world that defy explanation."

As the investigation into these gruesome killings continues, residents of Ruby Falls can only wait and wonder what dark secrets lie hidden within their midst, and whether the truth will ever come to light.

By Kimberly Wilson, Staff Reporter

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