Part 13: Mason

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Sheriff Mason Landry led his deputies through the eerie silence of the cemetery, the moon casting long shadows across the gravestones as they approached the scene of the werewolf attack. The air was heavy with the metallic tang of blood, a grim reminder of the violence that had occurred under the cover of darkness.

Mason's jaw clenched with determination as he surveyed the scene, his hazel eyes narrowed in concentration. He knew that time was of the essence if they hoped to catch whatever had wrought such devastation upon their town.

His deputies fanned out, meticulously examining the area for any clues that might shed light on the creature's identity. They worked quickly and methodically, their flashlight beams cutting through the darkness as they searched for any trace of the elusive predator.

As they combed through the underbrush, Mason's thoughts drifted back to Rose Hood, the woman he had loved and lost so many years ago. He couldn't shake the memory of her frightened eyes, her voice trembling as she recounted her encounter with the werewolf.

But there was no time for sentimentality now. Mason pushed aside his personal feelings and focused on the task at hand, his mind sharp and alert as he searched for any sign of the creature's presence.

Suddenly, one of the deputies called out, drawing Mason's attention to a set of deep, claw-like gouges in the trunk of a nearby tree. His heart quickened with excitement as he approached, his fingers tracing the jagged marks with a sense of grim determination.

"Looks like our friend left us a calling card," Mason muttered, his voice low and gravelly as he examined the marks more closely. "Keep searching, boys. We're getting closer."

With renewed purpose, Mason and his deputies redoubled their efforts, scouring every inch of the cemetery for any sign of the creature's trail. They knew that their window of opportunity was closing fast, but they refused to give up hope.

As the moon hung low in the sky, casting its pale light over the desolate landscape, Mason vowed to do whatever it took to bring the werewolf to justice. Little did he know, the true challenge lay ahead, and the darkness that lurked in Ruby Falls held secrets that would test his courage and resolve in ways he never could have imagined.

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