Part 26: Jackson & Emily

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Jackson's heart pounded in his chest as he stood before Emily, his gaze softening with genuine concern. "Emily, I need you to know something," he began, his voice tinged with sincerity. "It's not jealousy that's driving me. It's that I genuinely care about you. More than I realized until I found out what happened to you."

Emily's eyes widened in surprise, her anger softening as she took in Jackson's words. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, the raw emotion shining through. And for the first time in a long time, she allowed herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was still something between them worth salvaging.

As Jackson reached out a tentative hand, Emily hesitated for a moment before stepping into his embrace. In that moment, all the walls she had built around her heart came crashing down, and she allowed herself to be vulnerable with him once more.

Their embrace was a balm to her wounded soul, a reminder of the love they had once shared and the possibility of a future together. But as Jackson pulled away, leaving her standing alone in the dimly lit den, Emily felt a pang of sadness wash over her.

Tears welled in her eyes as she watched him go, a torrent of conflicting emotions swirling within her. She still cared about Jackson, that much was undeniable. But the hurt he had caused her ran deep, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't entirely trustworthy.

As she wiped away the tears streaming down her cheeks, Emily made a silent vow to herself. She would tread carefully with Jackson, keeping her heart guarded until she was certain he was worthy of her trust once more.

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