Heroes Rising: Departure

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" Yuu! Oi Yuu!" The boy's eyes snapped wide open when he heard Whisper's call. " Thank God! I thought you might have died for real!"

" Are you alright, kid?" A woman with blazing green hair looked down at him.

" Where... what?" As he tried to sit up, a sharp pain nipped at the back of his head. Rubbing the spot, he was surprised to see blood on the tips of his fingers.

" You, Iida, and Asui hit your heads hard when that villain clobbered you together, remember?" Whisper approached him.

" To a certain point," the boy answered, searching his foggy memory.

" Here, use this to cool it down," Burnin said handing him a white piece of cloth which he dabbed at the wound. He flinched at the cold liquid applied to it as it stung him.

" We heard of the situation, you guys did well handling it all on your own." The pro hero gave him a broad smile as she embarked on gathering the first aid box. " You would make good heroes in the future if you keep it like that," she said looking back at the rest of his friends, they all were injured one way or another and had to be looked after.

Todoroki on the other hand was being either hugged... or strangled and burned by his father, Yuu couldn't tell until he saw the boy's annoyed face. He then settled on the former and couldn't help but laugh with the others. The fact they were all alive and well relieved him.

" That man, he really should get over his Shoto addiction." Burnin snorted with a shake of her head.

Yuu then looked up at the pick of the island mountain, wondering how his friend was doing.


By the time Sora woke up, she was lying on her bed in the Iogi manor. She felt rather stifled and it was then she realized that she was wrapped in gauze almost everywhere. It took a moment for all of her memories to rush at her. The fight, the rock avalanche, the villains... she quickly threw her duvet away and stepped off her bed only to lose balance.

" Woah! Take it easy girl!" Sora looked up as she was supported by Jiro's earphone jacks before she fell off. From the open door of her room, Shoji, Ojiro, and Yuu came in along with her. " Recovery Girl still didn't heal your wounds completely," she said settling her back on the side of the bed.

" How are you feeling, Sora?" Yuu asked.

" Um... I'm not sure... I think, I'm fine but..." She shook her head before looking up at them. " More importantly what happened? Did we win? Are Katsuma-kun and Mahoro-chan safe? What about Midoriya and Bakugo-kun? Everyone?"

" Hold your horses." Ojiro held his hands up as though trying to quell her before he gave a soft smile. " We won, and everyone is fine. The kids are safe and sound, Midoriya and Bakugo though, they need some tending to from Recovery Girl. Everyone else is fine, going up and about."

" Thank God..." Sora heaved a tired sigh upon hearing that.

" You should focus on recovering for now," Whisper told her. " Recovery Girl has a lot of healing to do on you and that means you will be requiring so much stamina."

" It's best if you just rest," Shoji said, retrieving the blanket Sora had thrown moments ago with his dupli arms. " When I took you from under those rubbles, you were all battered and bloodied. Resting your body is important."

Hearing that, Sora was thankful. Because she was in such a state, it must have been hard for Shoji to see her transformed form. Giving him a nod, Sora laid back on her bed just as her friends waved her goodbye and went to take care of their chores. Only Yuu stood there by her side.

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