Endeavor Agency

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The picking names session ended with Midnight tiredly refusing Bakugo's name of ' Lord Explosion Murder'. Aizawe then passed them their lists of offers while the rest were to pick from 40 hero agencies that were to accept UA students.

As Aizawa and Midnight left around the lunch break, Sora skimmed quickly through her list so she could think about her choices. Her eyes then fell upon a certain agency name and her heart did a summersault. That person extended an offer for me? Why?

She shook her head. Now isn't the time to wonder why. This is a chance. Her eyes wandered over to her friend momentously before standing up and going to his side. " Do you have a clear choice?" She asked.

Yuu looked at her and then back at his list. " I think I've got one." His ears perked up when he heard Uraraka and the rest discussing a few seats in front of him, Uraraka saying she was going to the Battle Hero: Gunhead's agency.

Yuu blinked and joined them just as they were discussing the air chair training much to a certain ash blond's annoyance. " Uraraka-san..." He called her, to which she turned back to him. " You're going to Gunhead's agency?"

" Right. As I said, I need more training myself!" She said punching the air in front of her.

" Actually, Yuu was thinking about the same agency too," Whisper stated which surprised both her and Sora.

" Eh? Yuu? I thought you would rather join a rescue specialized agency?" Sora was troubled about his choice.

" It's as Uraraka-san said, I don't want to rely much on my spirits. I want to be able to do things on my own if push comes to shove." He was determined as he looked at his list.

Uraraka smiled at him. She could relate to his feelings. " Alright, let's do our best together, Seijin-kun!" She said pumping a fist up. Yuu looked back at her and nodded with a gentle smile.

I was worried about him after the sports festival but it seems he is moving forward already. Sora smiled, relieved.


The sky had cleared up by the end of classes. Sora took in the beautiful orange color of the sunset as she walked back to her class from the teachers' office. She had already submitted her internship papers.

" Sora-chan!" Uraraka waved at her from the staircase. She could see Midoriya and Yuu by her side, the latter holding her cyan bag for her.

However, the lack of blue hair worried her. " Where is Iida-kun?" She asked taking her bag thankfully.

" Wasn't he in the teachers' office?" Whisper asked. " We know he went ahead to submit his papers."

Sora shook her head. " I didn't run into him at all."

Midoriya thought about it for a moment. " Let's check his shoe locker."

With that, he went for the small case with Iida's name, finding his indoor shoes neatly placed in there. " Did Iida-kun go home before us?" Uraraka asked seeing the expression on his face.

" Yeah." He closed the locker.

" That's strange," Whisper wondered, concerned about the boy.

" Guess, he still needs some time after all. Let's give him some space for now," Sora told them. They nodded and headed to the station in silence, oblivious to what fate was hiding for them.


Aizawa escorted them to the station on the very first day of their internship, reminding them to behave and not wear their costumes in public. While he was giving them some last-minute advices, Sora shifted uncomfortably in her spot before turning to Todoroki. " We ended up going to the same agency." She was rather feeling awkward around him and his lack of expressions made it all worse.

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