Heroes Rising: Nabu Island

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It wasn't long after both Bakugo and Todoroki got their provisional licenses and went through that ridiculous interview, that Aizawa brought it up.

" A 'Draft Recommendation of Heroes Office'?" Yuu blinked twice upon hearing those words. Most of the class was in a trance, trying to comprehend it.

" Your operations center will be far away to the south, on Nabu Island." Their teacher explained bringing forth a picture of said island on the board before facing them. " The heroes who protected this place are about to retire. You will take care of the place until new heroes arrive."

The quiet air was immediately shattered. " We will finally be real heroes!"

Even Yuu was very excited about the idea. " We will be acting on our own. This is an exceptional chance."

" It's the first I've seen you that hyped on your own, Yuu." Whisper couldn't help the hint of surprise in his voice.

" I can't wait!" Sora pumped her fist up. " We're no more small chicks by now!"

" Listen to the rest of what I have to say." Their teacher's intermediating glare quelled their enthusiasm. As the class calmed and resumed their seats, he proceeded to explain that the teachers wouldn't be allowed to accompany them, they would be the sole ones responsible for managing their small makeshift agency. " Keep that in mind and act responsibly. Understood?"

" Yes!"

When the bell rang and all the students scrambled to their feet and retrieved their belongings, Sora made a beeline to Yuu's desk. " I'm so thrilled. When do you think we'll be leaving? Aizawa-sensei didn't say."

Yuu tapped his chin as he pondered over it. " I doubt UA could afford to skip more required lessons, so I'm guessing during the nearest vacation. However..." Yuu's eyes flung in the direction of their teacher's desk. " Aizawa-sensei wouldn't be around..."

" This feels off, right," Sora admitted. There was no event or journey involving the whole class which Aizawa wasn't present at. Their teacher was always there with them it felt as though he was some kind of parent. To leave on a mission without him, and for too long would be strange.

" But it's needed so you guys could grow into independent heroes." The ghost pointed, popping in between them. " Aizawa wouldn't be there for every step of your journey. You need to learn to act on your own."

" Whisper has a point," Yuu admitted.

" Then let's make our teacher proud!" Sora cheered joyfully.


Their accommodation was 'Iogi Manor', an old villa. It was their operation center and where they would be living for the coming days. The building was quite spacious and well organized, provided with everything they might need from toothbrushes to computers. For the time they were staying, that building would be known as the UA Hero Agency.

The work was divided among them, with most of them who couldn't mostly help with their Quirks staying back and managing their tasks. Yuu was tasked with maintaining a website for their temporary agency as well as assisting with paperwork along with Iida and Yaoyoruzu.

Sora and Tokoyami took turns patrolling the sky while sometimes helping with maintaining order at the beach for Tokoyami and helping with transporting heavy cargo and luggage for Sora.

So far, their assignments hardly involved anything interesting, not to say the least. They were all simple charity work; escorting old people to the hospital, charging and repairing vehicles, searching for lost pets, and, if it was an eventful day, searching for a lost child or clearing a blocked route.

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