The Broken Chains

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By the time he reached the evacuation area, he found it was a mess. People were fighting, trying to keep the villains away while those with fast Quirks were transporting everyone to safety.

" Get them to the back, Seijin-kun!" Midoriya told him as he ran past him, holding a kid in his arms. Ashido and a few more of his classmates were following in tow.

" Let's follow after him!" Kyubi and Thunderbird followed the green head to where they were keeping the wounded away from the fight.

" You over there! Are those victims badly injured!" An older girl shouted at him.

Yuu snapped his head in her direction but quickly answered. " One of them had injured his leg but it doesn't seem to be serious, there are no broken bones or visible wounds. The other is completely unharmed."

" And the girl?" She said looking over at Yumei who was dropped by Thunderbird with a tsk sound.

" A hero I had taken away from the villains."

" I see. You!" She addressed Yumei while helping the man dismount Kyubi's back. " If you can't help with the fight, we need assistance here with treating the wounded."

Yumei took one glance at the evacuation area before heading the other way. " My Quirk is best suited for fighting." And she went to face off a few minions.

" After what she had done, not even an apology!" Whisper snorted.

" She was worried for Sora, I can't blame her." Yuu's head hung down as he thought about her words. She might have been right to a certain point.

" I don't think you brought me here so you could sit there and think." Thunderbird pointed and Yuu snapped back to reality.

" True! Thunderbird, please help with protecting the first-aid area! Kyubi! Let's go help with the evacuation of the injured ones!" He ordered them, his eyes glowing as he poured even more energy into them.

" Roger that! " Both went to fulfill their allocated roles.

" If you need help transporting the wounded, let me carry them!" Kyubi announced as soon as she met with a few students carrying two old men unable to walk. They exchanged looks and left them for the fox.

" Yosh! Let's keep it this way!" Whisper cheered.

Yuu looked back at the battle raging a few meters away from them, he could hear the ones fighting. Todoroki, Yoarashi and Gang Orca. " Take care, Todoroki-san..."

After a few minutes, the evacuation was completed. " Take care of them." The purple head said before going back to the fray raging on. " Midoriya-san didn't get back, I'm sure he's fighting out there."

" Then we have to support him!" Kyubi sped up. She found the green head boy just as he and Ojiro were taking down some minions.

" Don't mind if we join too!" Whisper shouted proudly as Kyubi hopped in the middle of the circle unleashing her fire and taking the minions by surprise.

" Thank you, Seijin-kun!" Said Midoriya.

" It was nothing, Midoriya-san..." Yuu pointed at where Gang Orca was. " Please, go and help them! Todoroki-san and Yoarashi from Shiketsu are having a hard time!"

" I see! Ojiro-kun..."

" I'll be fine!" He assured him while wringing his tail around a minion's neck and knocking him out.

Midoriya rushed over to where the spiral of wind and fire erupted while Yuu and Ojiro focused on the villains.

" Don't forget about me!" A loud shriek was heard before hundreds of pillars of lightning fell upon the villains, knocking them back. Yuu looked up at the large bird circling the sky. " There were no enemies left where I was so I came searching for more." Yuu merely smiled at him.

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