Joint Training: Yuu vs Tobio

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" Listen, you underlings!" Bakugo announced proudly. " Just follow me!"

" The typical plan." Whisper sighed deeply and shook his head.

" I'll take the lead and head upward. You guys just get ready to support me." He pointed at Jiro. " Ears! Make sure you keep listening for the positions of the small fries!"

" Not 'Ears'! Jiro!" She replied in indignation.

" And you, egg head!" Whisper blinked when Bakugo turned to him. " You help with the scouting too! We don't need useless luggage!"

" Who are you calling luggage!" Whisper fumed and was waving his fists at him, unable to reach him for Yuu wouldn't let him.

" Are you going to attack, Bakugo?" Asked Sero unsurely. " The other team has people really good at counterattacks. Since we've got Jiro, let's wait until we have an opening."

" I agree with Sero-san," Yuu added. " We should try to watch their teamwork first and put a plan against-"

"Idiots." Sero and Yuu backed a little. " That's why we have to take the initiative. Don't wait for an opening. Move and make your own. If we can see them, then we've won. Got it?"

He nonchalantly threw a bunch of grenades and each fumbled to catch one before it hit the ground and probably tore them all apart.

 " Whoa! That's dangerous!" Jiro complained.

" Take those just in case. They don't have much power but they can be useful. And..." His face was beyond that of seriousness. " When you guys are in danger, I'll save you! And when I'm in danger, you guys save me!"

" Huh?" Whisper shoved one finger where his ear was supposed to be. " Did... did I hear it right? You said to save you?"

" That's how a really strong team wins! With no casualties! Then that's the best route to victory!"

" But-" Yuu gagged the ghost who wriggled in disapproval of the way he was handled.

I see. Yuu stared at the blond. The fight with Midoriya-san changed him after all.

" One more thing!" Bakugo glared at Yuu. " Baggy eyes, I don't care what may have happened between you and feather head, but that's outside these grounds! Don't you dare lose focus!"

He knows? That was quite surprising. Bakugo could tell they still weren't on the best of terms despite them acting normal.

" Hey, stop picking on him!" Said Sato.

" No, that's fine, Sato-san." The boy looked back at Yuu just as he slapped both his jaws hard as if trying to awaken himself. He is right, I've made up my mind after all. I can't keep brooding over that.

" Seijin!?"

" Yuu..."

" Tch, as long as you get it, that's fine." Bakugo snorted and walked away.

Yuu looked down as he recalled Sora's match, and he clenched his fists tightly. I can't show a dismal performance after seeing Sora's. She had put her all on supporting her team, I will do the same.

As they were given the signal, they rushed after Bakugo, Whisper ventured deep through the maze of the pipes, trying to scout their route. " Nothing," he said as he rejoined Yuu and the rest. " The path ahead is as empty as an abandoned shack."

" You're useless in the end!" Bakugo scoffed and Whisper ground his teeth furiously. " Why didn't you bring the large bird!?"

" Thunderbird can't move freely around here," Yuu answered him. " Plus, thanks to being large he would be spotted easily... and I won't dare put you together in a team." The last part was a murmur for himself.

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