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In a society where superpower became a norm of everyday life. Where villains used their gifts for evil, causing fear of them everywhere. Where heroes had so much on their plates they hardly got home... It was hard to notice the cries of a young boy over his balloon drifting far away of reach.

Naturally, in a world where everyone is at the risk of a villain's attack, such thing would not catch even the briefest glimpse of passersby. They have grown accustom to more urgent and dangerous incidents which revolved around fire, destructive power and crazy fights between heroes and villains.

The cries of the small child were drowned within the mumbles of the crowd about their favorite heroes and the latest incident, which featured the number one hero, All Might, saving two middle schoolers from a slime villain.

As the balloon flew higher, the kid's wailing stifled as he realized it could not be retrieved. " We will buy another one." His mother tried to cheer him up.

In a world filled with heroes and villains, such trivial things are almost invisible. It doesn't mean much, even if someone stepped to help, it wouldn't mean anything in such world. However...

The boy's cries died completely and his eyes widened in awe at the falling white feathers. A shadow was casted on them as its owner soared above their heads. Not before long, a girl flew down, smiling broadly from ear to ear and in her hand she grasped the thread of the red balloon. " Once you let go, it can't be retrieved. Hold on tight to it alright."

It doesn't mean anything, it doesn't have any glory to it nor will entice anyone's attention

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It doesn't mean anything, it doesn't have any glory to it nor will entice anyone's attention. Still, the grin the boy had given to her was more than enough. " Thank you miss."

She smiled in return. She had snow white short hair that was dyed electric blue from the inside. A silvery light ring hovering inches above her head. Her red eyes glinted happily at the kid and her snowy large wings folded themselves so not to bother other passersby.

She waved at the boy as he walked among the crowd along with his mother, her wings slowly shrinking and squeezing into her back again through the slits on her uniform as if they didn't exist. " You're doing it again."

She whirled around, facing a black haired girl who was hunched over, apparently trying to catch her breath having run all the way there while holding another backpack.

" Apologies." The white haired girl scratched the back of her head. " I just rushed over. Thanks for bringing my bag."

She grabbed her cyan bag and slid one hinge over her shoulder. " That's how you're, Sora, always dashing over to offer help." The black haired girl pulled herself up and rolled her eyes.

" The black haired girl pulled herself up and rolled her eyes

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