Unsettling Truth

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" Kirishima! Hey! Your name!" Kaminari was waving his phone before the red head. " Your hero name's in the news online! Wow! 'Newcomer Sidekick Red Riot Bursted onto the scene! From his first day, he takes responsibility for the citizens and fights a villain by himself.' That's what it says!"

" Seriously!" Kirishima was overwhelmed with joy and embarrassment at that.

" You're mentioned too, Seijin, but only as a new sidekick who helps with wrapping things up," Sero told the purple head.

" Well, it's not much but it's a start." Whisper shrugged and gave the boy a clap on the back.

"Tsuyu-chan, Uraraka and Sora, you're amazing! Your names are here!" Ashido flung her own phone at the three of them as they were discussing their work study.

" Let me see!" Sora said taking the phone from her and both girls looked over her shoulder to glimpse the headline.

"Let's see, 'New Sidekicks at Ryukyu Agency. Three there for a work study!'"

"Wow, that makes me happy! There it is!" Uraraka squealed.

"I wonder where they took the picture from..." Asked Asui." What do you think, Sora... chan..."

The two girls glanced back at her as teardrop rolled down on Ashido's phone. " Sora-chan... are you alright?"

" I'm fine... I'm fine, really," she said hastily rubbing her eyes on the back of her hand. " It just, makes me happy."

" Sora-chan..." Uraraka smiled as she gave her an encouraging pat. "... Well done, Sora-chan!"

" Mhm..." She couldn't find her tongue to speak. She only smiled and nodded, still with tears welling up in her eyes. Papa... Can you see it, Papa! I'm getting closer!...


It took a while before they were contacted to attend their work study, but what seemed interesting was that the six who had work studies were being called all at the same time. A coincidence? Sora thought.

But as they went, they discovered they were going on the same train and to the same station. This is no coincidence. Sora and Yuu had a silent agreement. It was highlighted even further as they took the same route till they reached their destination, where they found the Big Three standing by the door.

As their seniors opened the door to the main hall, they were surprised to see a gathering of different heroes from all around Japan. " Even Aizawa is here." Pointed Whisper and Yuu nodded his head. He felt it too, that something big was brewing.

Yuu went with Kirishima and Amajiki to where Fat Gum was standing while Sora headed with the other two girls to talk with their teacher. Could this have anything to do with what Ryukyu told us about investigating Shie Hassaikai? She swallowed. She could feel her heart throbbing fast against her rib cage.

She informed Yuu of what she was told, and he seems to have linked the dots too. She learned from him that Shie Hassaikai was something like the Yakuza, they follow their own rules and move in the shadows. So far, they hadn't broken any major laws, but still, there were a lot of rumors about them doing shady business lately.

When Nighteye stepped up to the middle of the gathering, everyone went silent as they listened to him. " We will now have a conference to share what information we have acquired regarding what the organization, Shie Hassaikai, is planning."


Buble Girl began the meeting by reading the report from her tablet. What they got was that Nighteye's agency had been on the tail of the Shie Hassaikai for a while now and Centipeder confirmed them contacting the League of Villains, Buble Girl pulled a picture to highlight that.

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