Parents' Day Part two

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 ...The flames shot high, hungry for more than gasoline. And the only prey there was their parents.

Midoriya was feeling guilty seeing their plan's results. However, Bakugo gave him a kick to the back.

" Kacchan!"

The boy was wearing a malicious smirk on. " This is a chance, damn nerd! Round face! Get me there!" He ordered Uraraka who had little choice but to obey. Bakugo then hurled towards the man who was outside of the cage.

Todoroki shot his ice at him and tethered his feet to the ground before Bakugo wrapped his legs around his torso, his hand mere inches from the mask, ready to blow it off any moment now.

" Great! It's our chance to get everyone out!" Sora cried as she materialized her wings, shooting to the cage. Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki and Tokoyami followed after her. Seeing as how it was melting quite quickly, Todoroki had to keep recreating the ice around the villain's feet.

Sora was the first to reach the cage and she immediately threw herself in her grandmother's arms. " Are you alright? You weren't hurt?!" She backed, scanning her thoroughly.

" I'm fine, no harm whatsoever."

Sora then looked back at the villain, Bakugo was dealing with him. That was good. But what was worrying was the panicking parents. How to get them out? I can try hauling them four at a time but... she gritted her teeth as she looked back at the fire raging around them. I don't know for how long this cage will hold!

Suddenly the whole cage quaked and racketed as an explosion was heard. " Bakugo-kun!?"

" That wasn't me feather head!"

The whole platform began to sway. " Damn it we need to get them out! Now!"

Iida and the rest grabbed into as many of the parents as they could as the whole tower shuddered.

" Damn it!" Sora quickly jumped off the side.

" Shirogane!" Todoroki cried in surprise as he saw her diving.

She flew through the smoke and over the flames before supporting the platform beneath, her wings flapping hard to keep her afloat and keep the fire at bay. " Midoriya! Come on! Do something!"

Her face was growing redder and she was sweating heavily. It was all she could do to keep the platform from tipping to the side for a little longer.

Yuu gritted his teeth as he watched from the side of the pit. Was that all he could do, watch as both Yui and Sora were surrounded by flames? Despite their efforts to extinguish the fire with the extinguishers Yaoyorozu had made, it didn't seem to recede.

Think Yuu! Think! How could they save 24 people all in one go?! Todoroki-san's ice bridge? His eyes flicked at the ice construction that Todoroki was maintaining. It won't hold the weight in this temperature, and the tower would fall before all of them would reach! Uraraka-san's Zero gravity? Nope! The tower is unbalanced as it is now, if we add her...!

The boy balled his hands on his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut. Please! Come on! I can't let them get hurt here! Think! You're a hero! What have you been doing at UA this whole time?! His eyes widened when he suddenly recalled something.

" Yaoyorozu-san!"

Midoriya reached the same conclusion as Yuu. Their only way to evacuate everyone was an evacuation chute. But they needed a tarp, and a large one.

" Here you go!" Whisper shouted dropping a roll of blue tarp before the boy. " Hurry up! Sora won't hold on longer down there!"

The girl was puffing her cheeks, trying not to breathe in much smoke.

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