A Test of Courage Gone Wrong

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They started off around 7 am the next day. The training wasn't any easier than the previous day.

Ashido and the ones who had extra lessons the night before were practically asleep after two hours before Aizawa admonished them, urging them to work harder.

" I'm gonna die!" Yuu cried while being forced to run even a longer distance than yesterday. 

" I've never heard of someone dying due to running! Give me more sweat! Faster!" Whisper urged.

" Yes sir!" Yuu's eyes trailed over to the thicker forest while dust rose up. His speed dropped.

" Why are you slowing down?!" Whisper yelled.

" Sora... Didn't come out of the forest until late yesterday. I wonder if everything is fine with her."

" That girl is tougher than you think. She will be fine," Whisper stared as a monstrous head made of clay was thrown out the grove. " You should work hard too! Don't let yourself get behind!"

" Yes sir!" Yuu picked up speed again.

" More importantly, everyone, tonight..." Pixie-Bob's voice permeated the clearing. Everyone turned back to her to find she was sitting on what they guessed to be the ingredients for their dinner. " We'll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot and the stick!"

" A test of courage !"

Yuu halted, eyes wide as plates upon hearing the news. " I don't like this."

" Good. And since it's at night time! More training for you!" Whisper smirked.

" This is the worst!"

Sora's head peeked up through the foliage of the small forest, the rest of her body hardly visible. " What's a test of courage?" She questioned.

" You... You really don't know?" Ragdoll was shocked when Sora bobbed her head most seriously.

" It's my first time in a camp so..." Sora had an awkward smile.

" It's a fun activity done at night time, " Yaoyorozu explained. " To boil it simply. They will try to scare you and see how far you can hold up."

" Ho! Sounds fun! I can't wait for it!"

" Then you better work hard first!" Pixie-Bob wagged a finger at her.

" Oh! Right!" And she dived beneath the blanket of leaves. Now she has something to look forward to after the harsh training.


  Sora gaped as she watched Bakugo cut the carrots. " It's perfect... And look at his speed..."

He was yelling something at Uraraka who was fetching wood for the fire before muttering. " Those extras yesterday didn't even know how to cut vegetables! Because of them, the curry was ruined! I'm not letting them ruin my dinner again!"

Sora nodded her head in approval.

" You really dislike it when someone ruins the meal, don't you?" Yuu smiled at her as he brought over the potatoes Iida just finished peeling.

" It kind of pisses me off. Not because the flavor is ruined," Sora started moving her hands again as she embarked on her work. " Well, yesterday was an exception because everyone was too tired and hungry to complain about the flavor. But if meals are ruined they're usually disposed of, right? I hate that. All of that food going to waste."

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