Quirk Assessment Test

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Sora gaped at the large door on which was painted '1-A'. That was their classroom door. " I didn't know UA's doors are that large!"

" Is it for accessibility purposes?" Yuu wondered.

Whisper sweat dropped. " This UA is just getting weirder."

" I'm excited to meet our new classmates! Aren't you?" Her hand rested on the handle. " Hope they're all nice."

" Wait... Sora..."

He was late. She pushed the door open and walked in. " Good morning everyone!"

Everyone turned back to her. Half the class was there already. Yuu's eyes met with a certain glasses wearing boy and he quickly stepped back into the hall. " We're in the same class as that boy..." He gulped, remembering the entrance exam day.

" What's wrong, Yuu?" Sora approached him, concerned.

" You two!" Yuu flinched as the blue haired male walked to them. " UA students should always arrive ten minutes early!"

" Ten minutes! I've never heard of such rule!" Whisper complained, still irritated with the other guy.

" Sorry, we kind of lost our way on the school ground. It's frankly huge." Sora scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

" I see. Well then, it couldn't be helped. I shall show you around if you still don't know your way." He said, waving his hands up and down in a robotic way.

" Really! Thanks!"

" We're classmates after all. We should help each other."

" Surprisingly he is a kind person." Whisper commented in bewilderment.

" I'm from Somei Private Academy, Iida Tenya."

" Hoo! Somei? That famous one! You must be smart!" Sora marveled.

" And rich." Whisper murmured.

" I'm Shirogane Sora from Musutafu Junior high. And this is my friend." She pointed back at Yuu trying to utter a word.

" I... I'm Seijin Yuu... From Musutafu Junior high too..." He tried avoiding eye contact with the male. Maybe he wouldn't recognize him. It was a fat chance given Whisper's existence.

" I'm sorry about the other day." Yuu blinked. He didn't expect an apology right then. " I may have misjudged you too."


" Hope we can work together for the rest of the year."

" We're in your hands there, Iida-ku-"

"Get away. You're blocking the door." Someone bumped their shoulder into hers on their way in. It was a blond boy with crimson eyes. From the split second glimpse she got of him, he seemed angry at something.

He walked to one of the seats and slumped down, crossing his legs on the table. " Wha... What are you doing!" Iida walked over at him in a rather robotic gait. " This is a disrespect!"

" He is really strict..." Yuu sweat dropped.

" But he seems kind and dependable. Glad to have him as a classmate." Sora smiled before she scanned the class. " Let's resume our seats as well." When she checked the blackboard, there was no seating chart. " Yay! We could pick what seats we want!"

She took the last seat on the left side, while Yuu sat behind a black haired girl who had her hair pulled up high in a ponytail. " Huh, was she there in the entrance exam? I don't recall seeing her?" Whisper asked.

" Maybe she got in through recommendation. 4 out of 44 students in UA are. The other 40 are chosen from the entrance exam." Yuu whispered back to him.

" 40! Geez, you're lucky you got in!"

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