Sharing Secrets

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In an alley nearby, Sora could be seen hunched over and panting heavily. Feathers and blood gathered around her as she regained her human appearance and her halo.

" What should I do..." Her eyes were half closed and tired from the amount of blood she lost. " ... I was seen." The memory of the terrified Midoriya flashed in front of her eyes.

When her body had no strength to hold her, she fell to the ground. The last thing she heard and saw were the red lights and sirens of the ambulance...


She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart before knocking and sliding the door open. " Morning, you reckless mob!" She smiled at them broadly.

" Shirogane-san!"

" Aren't you the same as us? Look at your hands and what you're wearing." Todorki pointed at her arms wrapped in gauze and the hospital pajamas.

" Ahaha, you got me." She rubbed the back of her head.

" Shirogane-san, you were hospitalized too?" Midoriya asked worried as she made it to the empty bed and sat by the side.

" It's nothing to worry about. Just a few scratches I got from the flying monster."

" Nomu?" Midoriya blinked.

" Yep, but fear not, it isn't as bad as it seems." The girl pointed before smiling awkwardly. " Also, I hope you don't mind but..."

" You listened in on our conversation earlier, didn't you," said Todoroki.

" Sorry!" She held her hands up and bowed her head. " I couldn't help it!"

" Right, with Shirogane-san's Quirk, you can't help what you can hear. Well, it's nothing much really," said Midoriya.

" But man, you beat the Hero Killer Stain! He has been running wild for a long time. And you guys stopped him! You're awesome!" She exclaimed.

Iida was crestfallen. " I didn't feel that way at all."

They all turned to the door as it slid open. " Oh, are you wounded kids awake?"

A rather young man in a blue suit with a helmet and a short old one in a yellow cape stood by the door before the older one walked to Midoriya, vexed about something. Then, he turned back to the door as a man with a large built body and a dog head walked in. " Hosu's chief of police, Tsuragamae Kenji."

A chief of police? Sora tilted her head. Why is he here?

She, Todoroki and Iida stood up in respect. Midoriya was about to do the same by was stopped. The girl could hardly hide her laugh at the way the chief ends his phrases with a woof.

The chief informed them that Stain had major injuries and burns. He reminded them once again that using Quirks as a weapon was prohibited except for heroes.

" But, they were-" Sora trailed as she looked back at the trio.

It was all drowned by the fact that they didn't have permission from their guardians. So the three of them and their supervisors should receive punishment for that.

" It can't be..." Sora's eyes widened in fear. It wasn't fair for them.

" Wait a minute!" Todoroki interjected. " If Iida hadn't done anything, Native-san would've been killed! If Midoriya hadn't come, the two of them would've been killed! No one realized the Hero Killer had appeared! Are you saying we should've followed the rules and watched people get killed?"

Sora was surprised to see him that angry for the sake of his friends. " Todoroki-kun..." Now Yuu's words made more and more sense to her, the boy was really such a kind person. She almost slapped herself for comparing him to Bakugo.

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