The Reporter

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It was just after Iida's birthday that it happened, after a night full of games, snacks and stuffing one's mouth with cake, something unexpected occurred right the very next day...

" A newspaper?" Certainly, Sora and Yuu weren't the only ones taken by surprise by the sudden announcement by Aizawa as he turned at their door that morning. It quite enticed a lot of murmur and excitement around the whole class.

" I wonder why would they want to make a feature about us?" Yuu was slightly bothered. " I mean, it's not like we need any more introduction."

"Hm, you have a point." Sora held a finger to her jaw. If anything, UA's sports festival had them covered in that regard, that without counting the incidents that made their school take the headlines of the news sites.

"You just want an excuse to slip away, Yuu." Whisper gave him a pointed look which Yuu returned with an annoyed one. He would never come to like being at the center of interest, but Whisper always had a different opinion.

It was getting louder with everyone talking about the matter until Aizawa quelled them. " The article is supposed to be about how you students are doing in the dorms you just moved into. "

Sora thought of her grandmother back at home and it didn't sound like a bad idea. That way, she could see Sora was fine and doing well. The principal is thoughtful. She smiled.

After Aizawa warned them against doing anything irrational while using Mineta as an example of the punishment that might await them, a thin and tall man walked into the living, he had a long face with jutting jawbones and a pair of glasses balanced on the bridge of his nose, behind them were a couple of blue eyes with excentric pupils; one was wide and light blue and the other was small and black. He had tousled dark hair and he was walking hunched over, a camera hanging off his neck.

The man stood beside their teacher who didn't bother hiding his displeasure of him walking in without being told to. " Hello, everyone. I'm Tokuda, a reporter." He started introducing himself. " Thanks for having me today."

" Nice to meet you!" As they returned his bow, Yuu's eyes fell on Sora's disturbed face.

" What's the matter?" He whispered to her while the rest of the class was still focusing on the reporter.

Sora had a small pout, as though unsure herself of why she was disturbed. Holding her chin in thought she murmured back. " It's just... his aura." Her eyes didn't leave the reporter at all. " It doesn't seem malicious but... He's hiding something, he is definitely not here to have an article about our dorm life."

" Should we tell Aizawa-sensei?"

Sora shook her head. " As I told you, he does have no ill intention after all, so he can't be a spy of sort. Besides-"

" Yes sir!" She broke off when Iida shouted on top of his voice.

" What a diligent student." Whispse sighed. " He would definitely make that reporter interested nonetheless."

So they carried out with their everyday life, except they had a camera lens flung their way once or twice, capturing their action. Sora thought Yuu was doing great ignoring the man so far, he didn't freeze yet or attempt to hide under the table as he approached them during breakfast. She had to commend that.

She however couldn't take her eyes off him. She knew he wasn't up to something bad. Still, it was good to keep watch over him in any way. Better be prepared than sorry. She thought helping herself to a mouthful of rice while the man was being told off by Bakugo.

Sora had to admit just how well the teachers carried on their lessons without the least care for the reporter as though he wasn't even there. But some of the students weren't able to do the same. More than once, she could see Aoyama changing poses only so he could stand out. It was funny all the same, she thought.

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