Class Rep

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" Time is up! The fifth indoor person-to-person combat training ended with the villain team's win!" All Might told them.

The swarm of crows flew away while Sora kneeled down, trying to catch her breath. " I was close..."

" Sora..." Ashido approached her.

" Ashido-san... I'm sorry... After all the hard work..."

Ashido shook her head as she kneeled beside her. " It's fine, we've reached this far because of you. Also, just call me Mina." She offered a big smile.

" Mina-chan..."

" It's unfortunate we didn't win... But we put a good fight..." Aoyama hardly made it to his teammates, catching his stomach tightly.

" Aoyama-kun..."

" Man, your kick was pretty strong..." Sato finally managed to pull himself up, rubbing his chin. " Are you practicing boxing by any chance?"

She gave an apologetic smile. " Nope, only karate. Sorry if it was so hard."

" That explains why..."

" Everyone! Well done!" All Might stepped into the messed room. " Let's hurry up. Anyone here injured?"

Sora pulled on her feet, her wings squeezing into her back. " A few bruises."

" Just sleepy." Sato rose his hand.

" Need to get to the toilet." Aoyama shook in cold sweat.

" Ah..." All Might sweat dropped. " Well then. Guess we have to fix you all up first."...


They all walked back to the monitor room for their match review. " So, anyone wants to say anything about the fifth match?"

" The heroes' team did well keeping damage to a minimum. Even when they had to open ways, they were careful." Yaoyorozu spoke. " Other than that, even when breaking into the villains' hideout and fighting them, they were very mindful not to harm the weapon.  The villains on the other hand relied much on Koda-san's Quirk. It's explainable seeing they couldn't head out for battle themselves. But they shouldn't let their guard down. Knowing their enemy could fly, they should have prepared for an outside onslaught."

" Well, no one tried attacking from the outside so we overlooked that possibility." Sato rubbed his neck and Koda nodded.

" That serves to tell you that there are no norms in a real fight. Even though I said the training was indoor, the possibility of an outside backup is still there." All Might pointed. " Hope you've learned from their mistakes."

" Yes sir!"


  They gathered by the exit at the end of the class. " Good work everyone! We didn't have any major injuries other than young Midoriya, either! You guys took this on seriously! You all did a good job for your first training!" He held a thumb up at them.

" To have such a proper class after Aizawa-sensei's," Asui held up her hand. " It's kind of anticlimactic..." Everyone agreed with her.

" We're free to have proper classes, as well!" He flourished his arms up dramatically. " Well then, I must review the results with Young Midoriya! Change and return..." He rushed away at full speed, shouting the rest of his phrase."... to the classroom!"

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