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 " Sora, you have a mail from UA," her grandmother called from the entrance hall. Sora blinked in surprise and let go of the knife before heading to check on it.

It had been a week since Camino, and nothing specific happened at all. They were still waiting to see if they were going to resume classes normally.

When she reached her grandmother, she found her holding a large brown envelope with UA's seal. It was certainly addressed to her. Taking it to the living room, Sora tore its top and fished out a stack of papers. " What could this be?" Her grandmother wondered.

Sora skimmed through the files and then looked back at her grandmother, hesitant on what to tell her. " So..."

" We're going to start a Dorm system by the next semester," she spilled out and Yui's jaw dropped open. Sora then read the document out loud. " ' Starting the coming semester, UA will be switching to a full dorm system. All students are compliant to join their dorms with no exceptions. Please find enclosed a print with all the dorm's Regulations. All students must fill out the enclosed form in the envelope and have their parents or guardians sign it for them. The form must be submitted before the start of the semester. Teachers will be paying you visits two days from the arrival of this notice. UA will be taking care of transporting all your belongings and fitments. First-year students will be required to come back to school two weeks before the semester starts.' "

" A Dorm system... Sora, you'll be required to live in a dorm? Away from me?! And in less than a week!" Sora didn't know how to react to her. She knew exactly how her grandmother was very attached to her. And regarding the last incidents, it may be hard to convince her.

" What do you think?" She asked her in a wavering voice.

Yui kept silent for a moment, her hand placed on her head and her face unreadable. " Give me some time to think over it."With that said, Yui left for her room. Sora knew better than to bother her grandmother when she sought solitude...


" Dorms huh! Sounds interesting!" Whisper told the boy with an excited smile and that worried Yuu.

" You're not planning on haunting it are you?" He asked and the ghost gave a shrug in response.

" Anyway, it would be a thousand times better than this house. I mean, if it's a dorm with the whole of your class as they said in the notice, I can move around freely and I'm not bound to sleep in your attic." Yuu had to admit it was a fair point. His parents were very unwelcoming of Whisper so he had to avoid them as much as possible not to cause the boy any unnecessary trouble with them.

Yuu looked back at his paper and gave a heavy sigh. " I need my parents' sign."

" I don't think they would mind signing it. Frankly speaking, I have a feeling they would have offered you for adoption if they found out about your Quirk any sooner." The ghost shook his head in disappointment.

" I wish it's as easy as you say... but..."

" You're leaving for dorms? Seriously?" The purple eyes flicked back at his room's door and he shrank when he saw the young man leaning on it.

" Yuusuke...nii-san..." The man was of fair height, he had neatly combed brown hair and wore a pair of glasses. His eyes were almost always closed, making it hard to discern their color.

" I'm even surprised that UA sent you that notice in the first place. They would be better off without someone like you." The brown-haired man pointed at him with a smirk.

" Stop with that! Yuu had worked hard to get into UA! And even harder to keep up with everyone else!" Whisper stepped in.

" Well, he really should be commended for his efforts and all. But you know, people can't really fight against their nature. It's futile." He had one eye opened, revealing a purple color iris that looked right through the small form of Yuu. " My dear brother wasn't, unfortunately, given a Quirk of a hero. No matter how much he tries to deny it, his Quirk isn't meant to save others. It's but a waste of time to let him continue down this path."

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