Training Camp Part One

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" I'm not done yet!" A rather energetic Sora mopped her sweat mixed with the small amount of blood gushing out the small grazes on her skin. " Pixiebob! They're down! Make more!"

Outside the thick forest, the woman had checked on her goggles. " Oh! You finished them already! Here you have two more!"

Just as she said that, lumps of dirt rose from the ground, forming two monstrous figures. Sora took a fighting stance, ready to finish them off.

" You sure don't want me around there!" The blonde asked.

" Nope! You will get in my way!" Sora half lied. It just was that her transformation was almost complete at that stage and she didn't want anyone to see her looking like that.

" Suit yourself then!" Pixie's clay monsters dashed for the attack while Sora hopped away from their claws.

Shirogane Sora. By battling against Pixiebob's beasts without holding back, she is to increase her strength and speed. Her time limit will get lengthened as well. Also, she is prohibited from flying to improve her combat skills.

" I'm not losing!"


" You were right Whisper! This is worse than hell itself!" Yuu complained as he had to run around the whole area. Whisper kept him company, urging him on while Iida sped past him a few times already.

" Hurry up Seijin-kun, you will be left behind!" Iida yelled through the wind.

" Don't want to hear that from you!"

A few meters away, Kyubi laid down underneath the shadow of a tree, napping peacefully. " Why should I train and Kyubi not!"

" Kyubi is energy! Whether she trained or not doesn't matter! What matters is the amount of energy you provide her with! Now run, Soldier!"

" This is the worse!"

Seijin Yuu. By training his body he is to increase his stamina. He also should summon a spirit and leave it around as long as possible to lengthen the time he could summon them. Whisper, who acts as his trainer with special permission from Aizawa, opts to make him able to summon two fighting spirits simultaneously by the end of the training camp.


" Heeeh? All of Class A are working hard. Oh there are a few hotties around. What should I do? I'm confounded. Who should I ask out?" Ai's orange eyes scanned through class A as they had already started training ahead of them.

" Ai, don't you bother them. We're here to train. Focus." Kendo addressed her firmly.

" Understood, class rep. Say, do you know that your name is the same as a famous Japanese sport?"

Kendo sweat dropped and rubbed her forehead with a sigh. " I forgot to whom I was just talking."

" If we take what our teachers said. Then Dobutsu-san and I will have to work more on our Quirks. Kendo-san, you?" Tobio mulled over it before he looked at the class rep.

" Since my Quirk is related to my fists then I will have to train them more." Kendo looked down at her hands. " Let's do our best, Gomu."

" Gomu-kun, we're training together, right? Then, can we talk together more? There is this thing I've always been wondering about though..."

" Will you be alright with her?"

" I'll try my best." He sweat dropped.


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