First School Day

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After retrieving the handouts and... Having to coax Iida not to count them when he insisted on organizing their seats in the alphabetic order, Sora and Yuu heaved a tired breath when they were let out of the school. " First day, and I'm already tired." Sora stretched when they went out. Yuu glimpsed Iida and Midoriya talking a few feet away and went over to them.

" I'm really sorry for the bother." He bowed in front of them, apologizing most sincerely.

" Seijin-kun, rise your head! What are you apologizing for!" Iida waved his hand in a chopping motion as he spoke.

" It's just, whenever Whisper takes over, he ends up going overboard... I may have said or, done some, inappropriate things... Anyway I'm sorry for the inconvenience I may have caused."

Whisper on the other had was pouting while crossing his arms, showing no sign of remorse whatsoever. He still didn't overcome the fact that Aizawa lied to them. And seeing Yuu apologizing back then didn't make his mood better. " I didn't do anything wrong! Plus, you seemed to have so much fun!"

" It's fine Seijin-kun. You didn't do anything inappropriate, so you don't have to worry about it." Midoriya assured him with a smile. His finger was bandaged after he went to the nurse office.

" I told you nothing happened. And Whisper enjoyed himself too." Sora smiled as she patted the boy's back.

" Hey! Guys!" Everyone turned around and saw Uraraka running towards them. " Going to the station? Wait for me!"

" Uraraka-san?"

" You're the infinity girl." Iida called.

" Iida-kun, you still didn't get her name!?" Sora was surprised.

" Even though you're the one who insisted on the seating order?" Whisper pointed.

" I'm Uraraka Ochaco. You're Shirogane Sora-san, Seijin Yuu-kun." She shifted her look around them as she spoke." Um, you're Iida Tenya-kun and... You're Midoriya Deku-kun, right?"

" 'Deku'?!" Midoriya was taken in.

" Huh? Isn't it your name?" Sora blinked.

" During the fitness test, the boy named Bakugo said that right?" Uraraka asked.

" I... Thought so too." Yuu added.

" Uh... My real name is Izuku, but D-Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me..." Midoriya tried to explain the best he could.

" An insult?" Iida thought out loud.

" Are you really close in the first place?" Whisper snorted.

" Oh, is that so! Sorry!" Uraraka rubbed her head regretfully. " But 'Deku' sounds like the Japanese word for ' you can do it!' so I kinda like it."

" I'm Deku!" Midoriya shouted out, his face red and sweaty.

" Midoriya-kun?" Iida was stunned. " You're accepting it too easily! Wasn't that an insult?"

" It's like a Copernican Revolution..." Midoriya murmured covering his reddened face with his hands but the red color still shone through.

" 'Co-pe'?" Sora and Uraraka inclined their heads in confusion.

" This school is a magnet for weirdos." Whisper mumbled.

They walked down the street back to the station, talking about today's tests, what they expect from UA in the future, and even about their quirks.

" If I touch anything I can render it weightless, even myself." Uraraka went first. " But if I overdo it I get nauseous and end up throwing up some sparkly stuff."

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