Sports Festival

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" Grandma! What's with all this!" Sora gasped as she stared at the table laded with food.

" You need energy for today's festival right."

" That's too much energy!"

" That's nothing." Yui's smile softened as she ran her eyes over the girl, Sora flinching slightly when she realized her grandmother was staring too much. " Before I knew, you've grown up and now reached this far. There wasn't much I could do for you, so at least, let me help with this."

" Grandma..." Her eyes glazed over. "... Thank you."

Yui's face brightened.

" But still, I wouldn't be able to finish all this."

" Hm, then what about packing some for lunch? I'll prepare you a lunchbox, Yuu-kun as well."

" Thanks!" Sora said flinging her arms around her grandmother's waist, squeezing her in a tight hug.

" This kind of reminds me of when you were in elementary."

" Grandma!"


Yuu checked twice he had everything he needed before sliding his bag on his shoulder and heading downstairs. As he made it to the door, there was no greeting from his parents whatsoever. He put on his shoes and clicked the door open before his father's voice came out. " You really going?"

Yuu hesitated for a moment before looking back inside. " It's a chance I shouldn't miss on. Also, participation in the festival is compulsory."

" They should just make an exception for you. You will probably just get scared away by a ghost or something in the end. Not that your Quirk can rival the others." His mother's voice sounded from the kitchen. 

Yuu pursed his lips. He knew he was still ways behind the rest. He knew that well. But hearing his parents blurting it out nonchalantly.

" Either way, do what you want. We would be out for work so we won't be watching it."

Yuu sighed deeply before stepping out of the house. He already figured that much.


A few hours after they came, the school ground was crawling with people, either spectators or reporters. The students were told to come a few hours earlier so they could prepare, also not to get caught in the crowd.

Sora shut the door of her locker after she had changed into her gym clothes, securing all of her things. Currently, they were in the waiting room, waiting for their cue to proceed to the stage. Calm down Sora, you can do it. You've been practicing hard.

She looked over at her friend, only to see him huddled on his chair, his feet held tightly to his chest. " Eh...? It's been a while since I saw you in that pose." She walked to him, a smile plastered on her face. " Let's do our best."

" A... Ah... I'll... Work hard..." He was rocking back and forth as three flames sparked around him.

Whisper looked at Sora and shook his head. " You know, stage freight."

" He isn't used to being the center of interest after all." She smiled awkwardly. " I'll leave him in your hands whisper."

" Don't you worry about him. He has me. Also, you should focus more on yourself in the sports festival, no helping him. Understood!"

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